Source code for starfish.core.types._constants

from enum import Enum

class AugmentedEnum(Enum):
    def __hash__(self):
        return self.value.__hash__()

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, type(self)) or isinstance(other, str):
            return self.value == other
        return False

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return self.value

[docs]class Coordinates(AugmentedEnum): Z = 'zc' Y = 'yc' X = 'xc'
PHYSICAL_COORDINATE_DIMENSION = "physical_coordinate" """ This is the xarray dimension name for the physical coordinates of the tiles. """ STARFISH_EXTRAS_KEY = 'starfish' """ Attribute on Imagestack and IntensityTable for storing starfish related info """ LOG = "log" """ This is name of the provenance log attribute stored on the IntensityTable """ CORE_DEPENDENCIES = {'numpy', 'scikit-image', 'pandas', 'scikit-learn', 'scipy', 'xarray', 'sympy'} """ The set of dependencies whose versions are are logged for each starfish session """
[docs]class PhysicalCoordinateTypes(AugmentedEnum): """ These are more accurately the xarray coordinates for the physical coordinates of a tile. """ Z_MAX = 'zmax' Z_MIN = 'zmin' Y_MAX = 'ymax' Y_MIN = 'ymin' X_MAX = 'xmax' X_MIN = 'xmin'
[docs]class Axes(AugmentedEnum): ROUND = 'r' CH = 'c' ZPLANE = 'z' Y = 'y' X = 'x'
[docs]class Features: """ contains constants relating to the codebook and feature (spot/pixel) representations of the image data """ AXIS = 'features' TARGET = 'target' CODEWORD = 'codeword' CODE_VALUE = 'v' SPOT_RADIUS = 'radius' DISTANCE = 'distance' PASSES_THRESHOLDS = 'passes_thresholds' CELL_ID = 'cell_id' SPOT_ID = 'spot_id' INTENSITY = 'intensity' AREA = 'area' CELLS = 'cells' GENES = 'genes'
class OverlapStrategy(AugmentedEnum): """ contains options to use when processes physically overlapping IntensityTables or ImageStacks """ TAKE_MAX = 'take_max' class Clip(AugmentedEnum): """ contains clipping options that determine how out-of-bounds values produced by filters are treated to keep the image contained within [0, 1] """ CLIP = 'clip' SCALE_BY_IMAGE = 'scale_by_image' SCALE_BY_CHUNK = 'scale_by_chunk'
[docs]class Levels(AugmentedEnum): """ Controls the way that data are scaled to retain skimage dtype requirements that float data fall in [0, 1]. In all modes, data below 0 are set to 0. """ CLIP = "clip" """Data above 1 are set to 1.""" SCALE_SATURATED_BY_IMAGE = 'scale_saturated_by_image' """If peak intensity of the entire image is saturated (i.e., > 1), rescale the intensity of the entire image by the peak intensity. If peak intensity of the entire image is not saturated (i.e., <= 1), do not rescale. This is functionally equivalent to Clip.SCALE_BY_IMAGE.""" SCALE_SATURATED_BY_CHUNK = 'scale_saturated_by_chunk' """If the peak intensity of an image chunk is saturated (i.e., > 1), rescale the intensity of the chunk by the peak intensity. If peak intensity of an image chunk is not saturated (i.e., <= 1), do not rescale. This is functionally equivalent to Clip.SCALE_BY_CHUNK.""" SCALE_BY_IMAGE = 'scale_by_image' """Rescale the intensity of the entire image by the peak intensity. Note that if the peak intensity of the entire image is not saturated, this behaves differently than Clip.SCALE_BY_IMAGE.""" SCALE_BY_CHUNK = 'scale_by_chunk' """Rescale the intensity of an image chunk by the peak intensity. Note that if the peak intensity of an image chunk is not saturated, this behaves differently than Clip.SCALE_BY_CHUNK."""
class TransformType(AugmentedEnum): """ currently supported transform types """ SIMILARITY = 'similarity' class TraceBuildingStrategies(AugmentedEnum): """ currently support spot trace building strategies """ EXACT_MATCH = 'exact_match' NEAREST_NEIGHBOR = 'nearest_neighbor' SEQUENTIAL = 'sequential'