Source code for starfish.core.morphology.binary_mask.binary_mask

import os
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from copy import deepcopy
from dataclasses import dataclass
from functools import partial
from pathlib import Path
from typing import (

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from read_roi import read_roi_zip
from skimage import draw
from skimage import io
from skimage.measure import regionprops
from skimage.measure._regionprops import _RegionProperties

from starfish.core.imagestack.imagestack import ImageStack
from starfish.core.morphology.label_image import LabelImage
from starfish.core.morphology.util import (
from starfish.core.types import ArrayLike, Axes, Coordinates, Number
from starfish.core.util.logging import Log
from .expand import fill_from_mask

class MaskData:
    binary_mask: np.ndarray
    offsets: Tuple[int, ...]
    region_properties: Optional[_RegionProperties]

[docs]class BinaryMaskCollection: """Collection of binary masks with a dict-like access pattern. Parameters ---------- pixel_ticks : Union[Mapping[Axes, ArrayLike[int]], Mapping[str, ArrayLike[int]]] A map from the axis to the values for that axis. physical_ticks : Union[Mapping[Coordinates, ArrayLike[Number]], Mapping[str, ArrayLike[Number]] A map from the physical coordinate type to the values for axis. For 2D label images, X and Y physical coordinates must be provided. For 3D label images, Z physical coordinates must also be provided. masks : Sequence[MaskData] A sequence of data for binary masks. Attributes ---------- max_shape : Mapping[Axes, int] Maximum index of contained masks. """ def __init__( self, pixel_ticks: Union[Mapping[Axes, ArrayLike[int]], Mapping[str, ArrayLike[int]]], physical_ticks: Union[Mapping[Coordinates, ArrayLike[Number]], Mapping[str, ArrayLike[Number]]], masks: Sequence[MaskData], log: Optional[Log], ): self._pixel_ticks: Mapping[Axes, ArrayLike[int]] = _normalize_pixel_ticks(pixel_ticks) self._physical_ticks: Mapping[Coordinates, ArrayLike[Number]] = _normalize_physical_ticks( physical_ticks) self._masks: MutableMapping[int, MaskData] = {} self._log: Log = log or Log() for ix, mask_data in enumerate(masks): if mask_data.binary_mask.ndim not in (2, 3): raise TypeError(f"expected 2 or 3 dimensions; got {mask_data.binary_mask.ndim}") if mask_data.binary_mask.dtype != np.bool: raise ValueError(f"expected dtype of bool; got {mask_data.binary_mask.dtype}") self._masks[ix] = mask_data if len(self._pixel_ticks) != len(self._physical_ticks): raise ValueError( "pixel_ticks should have the same cardinality as physical_ticks") for axis, coord in zip(*_get_axes_names(len(self._pixel_ticks))): if axis not in self._pixel_ticks: raise ValueError(f"pixel ticks missing {axis.value} data") if coord not in self._physical_ticks: raise ValueError(f"physical coordinate ticks missing {coord.value} data") if len(self._pixel_ticks[axis]) != len(self._physical_ticks[coord]): raise ValueError( f"pixel ticks for {} does not have the same cardinality as physical " f"coordinates ticks for {}") def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> xr.DataArray: return self._format_mask_as_xarray(index) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[int, xr.DataArray]]: for mask_index in self._masks.keys(): yield mask_index, self._format_mask_as_xarray(mask_index) def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._masks) def _format_mask_as_xarray(self, index: int) -> xr.DataArray: """Convert a np-based mask into an xarray DataArray.""" mask_data = self._masks[index] max_mask_name_len = len(str(len(self._masks) - 1)) xr_dims: MutableSequence[str] = [] xr_coords: MutableMapping[Hashable, Any] = {} for ix, (axis, coord) in enumerate(zip(*_get_axes_names(len(self._pixel_ticks)))): xr_dims.append(axis.value) start_offset = mask_data.offsets[ix] end_offset = mask_data.offsets[ix] + mask_data.binary_mask.shape[ix] xr_coords[axis.value] = self._pixel_ticks[axis.value][start_offset:end_offset] xr_coords[coord.value] = ( axis.value, self._physical_ticks[coord.value][start_offset:end_offset]) return xr.DataArray( mask_data.binary_mask, dims=xr_dims, coords=xr_coords, name=f"{index:0{max_mask_name_len}d}" )
[docs] def uncropped_mask(self, index: int) -> xr.DataArray: """Some of the binary mask collections builders will crop the binary masks when constructing the collection. The purpose is to exclude the regions of the image that are entirely False. Use this method to obtain the mask sized according to the pixel and physical shape provided for the entire binary mask collection, use this method.""" mask_data = self._masks[index] uncropped_shape = tuple( len(self._pixel_ticks[axis]) for axis, _ in zip(*_get_axes_names(len(self._pixel_ticks))) ) if uncropped_shape == mask_data.binary_mask.shape: return self._format_mask_as_xarray(index) max_mask_name_len = len(str(len(self._masks) - 1)) xr_dims: MutableSequence[str] = [] xr_coords: MutableMapping[Hashable, Any] = {} for ix, (axis, coord) in enumerate(zip(*_get_axes_names(len(self._pixel_ticks)))): xr_dims.append(axis.value) xr_coords[axis.value] = self._pixel_ticks[axis.value] xr_coords[coord.value] = (axis.value, self._physical_ticks[coord.value]) image = np.zeros( shape=tuple( len(self._pixel_ticks[axis]) for axis, _ in zip(*_get_axes_names(len(self._pixel_ticks))) ), dtype=np.bool, ) fill_from_mask( mask_data.binary_mask, mask_data.offsets, 1, image, ) return xr.DataArray( image, dims=xr_dims, coords=xr_coords, name=f"{index:0{max_mask_name_len}d}" )
def masks(self) -> Iterator[xr.DataArray]: for mask_index in self._masks.keys(): yield self._format_mask_as_xarray(mask_index)
[docs] def mask_regionprops(self, mask_id: int) -> _RegionProperties: """ Return the region properties for a given mask. Parameters ---------- mask_id : int The mask ID for the mask. Returns ------- _RegionProperties The region properties for that mask. """ mask_data = self._masks[mask_id] if mask_data.region_properties is None: # recreate the label image (but with just this mask) image = np.zeros( shape=tuple( len(self._pixel_ticks[axis]) for axis, _ in zip(*_get_axes_names(len(self._pixel_ticks))) ), dtype=np.uint32, ) fill_from_mask( mask_data.binary_mask, mask_data.offsets, mask_id + 1, image, ) measured_region_props = regionprops(image) assert len(measured_region_props) == 1 mask_data.region_properties = measured_region_props[0] return mask_data.region_properties
@property def max_shape(self) -> Mapping[Axes, int]: return { axis: len(self._pixel_ticks[axis]) for ix, (axis, _) in enumerate(zip(*_get_axes_names(len(self._pixel_ticks)))) } @property def log(self) -> Log: return self._log
[docs] @classmethod def from_label_image(cls, label_image: LabelImage) -> "BinaryMaskCollection": """Creates binary masks from a label image. Masks are cropped to the smallest size that contains the non-zero values, but pixel and physical coordinates ticks are retained. Masks extracted from BinaryMaskCollections will be cropped. To extract masks sized to the original label image, use :py:meth:`starfish.BinaryMaskCollection.uncropped_mask`. Parameters ---------- label_image : LabelImage LabelImage to extract binary masks from. Returns ------- masks : BinaryMaskCollection Masks generated from the label image. """ props = regionprops( pixel_ticks = { axis.value: label_image.xarray.coords[axis.value] for axis, _ in zip(*_get_axes_names(label_image.xarray.ndim)) if axis.value in label_image.xarray.coords } physical_ticks = { coord.value: label_image.xarray.coords[coord.value] for _, coord in zip(*_get_axes_names(label_image.xarray.ndim)) if coord.value in label_image.xarray.coords } masks: Sequence[MaskData] = [ MaskData(prop.image, prop.bbox[:label_image.xarray.ndim], prop) for prop in props ] log = deepcopy(label_image.log) return cls( pixel_ticks, physical_ticks, masks, log, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_fiji_roi_set( cls, path_to_roi_set_zip: Union[str, Path], original_image: ImageStack ) -> "BinaryMaskCollection": """ Construct BinaryMaskCollection from external Fiji ROI set. Parameters ---------- path_to_roi_set_zip : Union[str, Path] Path to an external fiji roi file original_image : ImageStack image from same FOV used in fiji segmentation workflow Returns -------- BinaryMaskCollection Notes ----- This method only supports construction of masks from 2D polygons at this time. """ roi_set = read_roi_zip(path_to_roi_set_zip) # Get the physical ticks from the original dapi image physical_ticks = {Coordinates.Y: original_image.xarray.yc.values, Coordinates.X: original_image.xarray.xc.values} # Get the pixel values from the original dapi image pixel_ticks = {Axes.Y: original_image.xarray.y.values, Axes.X: original_image.xarray.x.values} masks: List[MaskData] = [] # for each region (and its properties): for label, roi in enumerate(roi_set.values()): polygon = np.array([roi[Axes.Y.value], roi[Axes.X.value]]).T y_min, x_min = np.floor(np.amin(polygon, axis=0)).astype( y_max, x_max = np.floor(np.amax(polygon, axis=0)).astype( vertex_row_coords, vertex_col_coords = polygon.T vertex_col_coords -= vertex_col_coords.min() vertex_row_coords -= vertex_row_coords.min() # draw a mask from the polygon y_size = y_max - y_min + 1 # type: ignore x_size = x_max - x_min + 1 # type: ignore shape = y_size, x_size mask = np.zeros(shape, dtype=bool) fill_row_coords, fill_col_coords = draw.polygon( vertex_row_coords, vertex_col_coords, shape ) mask[fill_row_coords, fill_col_coords] = True offsets = (y_min, x_min) # type: ignore mask_data = MaskData(binary_mask=mask, offsets=offsets, region_properties=None) masks.append(mask_data) return cls(masks=masks, pixel_ticks=pixel_ticks, physical_ticks=physical_ticks, log=original_image.log)
[docs] @classmethod def from_external_labeled_image(cls, path_to_labeled_image: Union[str, Path], original_image: ImageStack): """ Construct a BinaryMaskCollection from an external label image. Ex. the output from ilastik object classification Parameters ---------- path_to_labeled_image : Union[str, Path] Path to an external label image file original_image : ImageStack Dapi image used in external segmentation workflow Returns ------- BinaryMaskCollection """ # Load the label image generated from another program label_image = io.imread(path_to_labeled_image) # Get the physical ticks from the original dapi image physical_ticks = {Coordinates.Y: original_image.xarray.yc.values, Coordinates.X: original_image.xarray.xc.values} # Get the pixel values from the original dapi image pixel_coords = {Axes.Y: original_image.xarray.y.values, Axes.X: original_image.xarray.x.values} # Create the label image label_im = LabelImage.from_label_array_and_ticks( label_image, pixel_ticks=pixel_coords, physical_ticks=physical_ticks, log=original_image.log ) # Create the mask collection return BinaryMaskCollection.from_label_image(label_im)
[docs] @classmethod def from_binary_arrays_and_ticks( cls, arrays: Sequence[np.ndarray], pixel_ticks: Optional[Union[ Mapping[Axes, ArrayLike[int]], Mapping[str, ArrayLike[int]]]], physical_ticks: Union[ Mapping[Coordinates, ArrayLike[Number]], Mapping[str, ArrayLike[Number]]], log: Optional[Log], ) -> "BinaryMaskCollection": """Constructs a BinaryMaskCollection from an array containing the labels, a set of physical coordinates, and an optional log of how this label image came to be. Masks are cropped to the smallest size that contains the non-zero values, but pixel and physical coordinates ticks are retained. Masks extracted from BinaryMaskCollections will be cropped. To extract masks sized to the original label image, use :py:meth:`starfish.morphology.BinaryMaskCollection.uncropped_mask`. Parameters ---------- arrays : Sequence[np.ndarray] A set of 2D or 3D binary arrays. The ordering of the axes must be Y, X for 2D images and ZPLANE, Y, X for 3D images. The arrays must have identical sizes and match the sizes of pixel_ticks and physical_ticks. pixel_ticks : Optional[Union[Mapping[Axes, ArrayLike[int]], Mapping[str, ArrayLike[int]]]] A map from the axis to the values for that axis. For any axis that exist in the array but not in pixel_ticks, the pixel coordinates are assigned from 0..N-1, where N is the size along that axis. physical_ticks : Union[Mapping[Coordinates, ArrayLike[Number]], Mapping[str, ArrayLike[Number]]] A map from the physical coordinate type to the values for axis. For 2D label images, X and Y physical coordinates must be provided. For 3D label images, Z physical coordinates must also be provided. log : Optional[Log] A log of how this label image came to be. Returns ------- masks : BinaryMaskCollection Masks generated from the label image. """ array_shapes = set(array.shape for array in arrays) array_dtypes = set(array.dtype for array in arrays) if len(array_shapes) > 1: raise ValueError("all masks must be identically sized") for array_dtype in array_dtypes: if array_dtype != np.bool: raise TypeError("arrays must be binary data") # normalize the pixel coordinates to Mapping[Axes, ArrayLike[int]] pixel_ticks = _normalize_pixel_ticks(pixel_ticks) # normalize the physical coordinates to Mapping[Coordinates, ArrayLike[Number]] physical_ticks = _normalize_physical_ticks(physical_ticks) # If we have 1 or more arrays, verify that the physical coordinate array's size matches the # array's size. In BinaryMaskCollection's constructor, it is verified that the pixel # tick array's size matches that of the physical coordinate array's size. if len(array_shapes) == 1: array_shape = next(iter(array_shapes)) # verify that we don't have extra expected_axes, expected_physical_coords = _get_axes_names(len(array_shape)) actual_real_coordinates_provided = set(expected_physical_coords) actual_real_coordinates_provided.intersection_update(set(physical_ticks.keys())) if len(array_shape) != len(actual_real_coordinates_provided): raise ValueError( f"physical coordinates provided for {len(actual_real_coordinates_provided)} " f"axes ({actual_real_coordinates_provided}), but the data has " f"{len(array_shape)} axes" ) for ix, (axis, coord) in enumerate(zip(*_get_axes_names(len(array_shape)))): if (coord in physical_ticks and len(physical_ticks[coord]) != array_shape[ix]): raise ValueError( f"The size of the array for physical coordinates for {} " f"({len(physical_ticks[coord])} does not match the array's shape " f"({array_shape[ix]})." ) # Add all pixel ticks not present. for axis, coord in zip(*_get_axes_names(3)): if coord in physical_ticks and axis not in pixel_ticks: pixel_ticks[axis] = np.arange(0, len(physical_ticks[coord])) masks: MutableSequence[MaskData] = list() for array in arrays: selection_range: Tuple[slice, ...] = BinaryMaskCollection._crop_mask(array) masks.append(MaskData( array[selection_range], tuple(selection.start for selection in selection_range), None )) log = deepcopy(log) return cls( pixel_ticks, physical_ticks, masks, log, )
@staticmethod def _crop_mask(array: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[slice, ...]: selection_range: MutableSequence[slice] = list() # calculate the first and last True pixel across each axis. for axis_num in range(array.ndim): projection_axes = tuple(dim for dim in range(array.ndim) if dim != axis_num) # max project across the projections max_projection = np.amax(array, axis=projection_axes) # get the indices of the non-zero elements. the [0] is because np.nonzero captures # the indices of each dimension separately, and we want the one and only dimension. non_zero_indices = np.nonzero(max_projection)[0] if len(non_zero_indices) == 0: selection_range.append(slice(0, 0)) else: selection_range.append(slice(non_zero_indices[0], non_zero_indices[-1] + 1)) return tuple(selection_range)
[docs] @classmethod def from_label_array_and_ticks( cls, array: np.ndarray, pixel_ticks: Optional[Union[ Mapping[Axes, ArrayLike[int]], Mapping[str, ArrayLike[int]]]], physical_ticks: Union[ Mapping[Coordinates, ArrayLike[Number]], Mapping[str, ArrayLike[Number]]], log: Optional[Log], ) -> "BinaryMaskCollection": """Constructs a BinaryMaskCollection from an array containing the labels, a set of physical coordinates, and an optional log of how this label image came to be. Masks are cropped to the smallest size that contains the non-zero values, but pixel and physical coordinates ticks are retained. Masks extracted from BinaryMaskCollections will be cropped. To extract masks sized to the original label image, use :py:meth:`starfish.morphology.BinaryMaskCollection.uncropped_mask`. Parameters ---------- array : np.ndarray A 2D or 3D array containing the labels. The ordering of the axes must be Y, X for 2D images and ZPLANE, Y, X for 3D images. pixel_ticks : Optional[Union[Mapping[Axes, ArrayLike[int]], Mapping[str, ArrayLike[int]]]] A map from the axis to the values for that axis. For any axis that exist in the array but not in pixel_ticks, the pixel coordinates are assigned from 0..N-1, where N is the size along that axis. physical_ticks : Union[Mapping[Coordinates, ArrayLike[Number]], Mapping[str, ArrayLike[Number]]] A map from the physical coordinate type to the values for axis. For 2D label images, X and Y physical coordinates must be provided. For 3D label images, Z physical coordinates must also be provided. log : Optional[Log] A log of how this label image came to be. Returns ------- masks : BinaryMaskCollection Masks generated from the label image. """ # normalize the pixel coordinates to Mapping[Axes, ArrayLike[int]] pixel_ticks = _normalize_pixel_ticks(pixel_ticks) # normalize the physical coordinates to Mapping[Coordinates, ArrayLike[Number]] physical_ticks = _normalize_physical_ticks(physical_ticks) for ix, (axis, coord) in enumerate(zip(*_get_axes_names(array.ndim))): # We verify that the physical coordinate array's size matches the array's size. In # BinaryMaskCollection's constructor, it is verified that the pixel coordinate array's # size matches that of the physical coordinate array's size. if coord not in physical_ticks: raise ValueError(f"Missing physical coordinates for {}") if len(physical_ticks[coord]) != array.shape[ix]: raise ValueError( f"The size of the array for physical coordinates for {} " f"({len(physical_ticks[coord])} does not match the array's shape " f"({array.shape[ix]})." ) if axis not in pixel_ticks: pixel_ticks[axis] = np.arange(0, array.shape[ix]) props = regionprops(array) masks: Sequence[MaskData] = [ MaskData(prop.image, prop.bbox[:array.ndim], prop) for prop in props ] log = deepcopy(log) return cls( pixel_ticks, physical_ticks, masks, log, )
def to_label_image(self) -> LabelImage: shape = tuple( len(self._pixel_ticks[axis]) for axis in (Axes.ZPLANE, Axes.Y, Axes.X) if axis in self._pixel_ticks ) label_image_array = np.zeros(shape=shape, dtype=np.uint16) for ix, mask_data in self._masks.items(): fill_from_mask( mask_data.binary_mask, mask_data.offsets, ix + 1, label_image_array, ) return LabelImage.from_label_array_and_ticks( label_image_array, self._pixel_ticks, self._physical_ticks, self._log, )
[docs] @classmethod def open_targz(cls, path: Union[str, Path]) -> "BinaryMaskCollection": """Load the collection saved as a .tar.gz file from disk Parameters ---------- path : Union[str, Path] Path of the tar file to instantiate from. Returns ------- masks : BinaryMaskCollection Collection of binary masks. """ with open(os.fspath(path), "rb") as fh: return _io.BinaryMaskIO.read_versioned_binary_mask(fh)
[docs] def to_targz(self, path: Union[str, Path]): """Save the binary masks to disk as a .tar.gz file. Parameters ---------- path : Union[str, Path] Path of the tar file to write to. """ with open(os.fspath(path), "wb") as fh: _io.BinaryMaskIO.write_versioned_binary_mask(fh, self)
def _apply( self, function: Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray], *args, n_processes: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs ) -> "BinaryMaskCollection": """Given a function that takes an ndarray and outputs another, apply that method to all the masks in this collection to form a new collection. All the masks are uncropped before being passed to the function. Parameters ---------- function : Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray] A function that should produce a mask array when given a mask array. n_processes : Optional[int] The number of processes to use for apply. If None, uses the output of os.cpu_count() (default = None). """ if n_processes is None: n_processes = os.cpu_count() applied_func = partial( BinaryMaskCollection._apply_single_mask, function=function, mask_collection=self, args=args, kwargs=kwargs, ) selectors = range(len(self._masks)) with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=n_processes) as tpe: results: Iterator[MaskData] =, selectors) return BinaryMaskCollection( self._pixel_ticks, self._physical_ticks, list(results), self._log, ) @staticmethod def _apply_single_mask( mask_index: int, mask_collection: "BinaryMaskCollection", args: Sequence, kwargs: Mapping, function: Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray], ) -> MaskData: """Given a mask collection, and an index, retrieve a mask and apply a function to that mask. Return the output along with the offsets of the original mask. If the original mask is uncropped, then the offsets should all be 0. If the original mask is not uncropped, it is propagated from the input masks's offsets. """ input_mask = mask_collection.uncropped_mask(mask_index) output_mask = function(input_mask.values, *args, **kwargs) # type: ignore selection_range: Sequence[slice] = BinaryMaskCollection._crop_mask(output_mask) return MaskData( output_mask[selection_range], tuple(selection.start for selection in selection_range), None ) def _reduce( self, function: Callable, initial: Union[np.ndarray, Callable[[Tuple[int, ...]], np.ndarray]], *args, **kwargs ) -> "BinaryMaskCollection": """Given a function that takes two ndarray and outputs another, apply that function to all the masks in this collection to form a new collection. Each time, the function is called with the result of the previous call to the method and the next uncropped mask. The first time the function is called, the first argument is provided by ``initial``, which is either an array sized to match the uncropped mask, or a callable that takes a single parameter, which is the shape of the array to be produced. Parameters ---------- function : Callable[[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], np.ndarray] A function that should produce an accumulated result when given an accumulated result and a mask array. The shape of the inputs and the outputs should be identical. initial : Union[np.ndarray, Callable[[Tuple[int, ...]], np.ndarray]] An initial array that is the same shape as an uncropped mask, or a callable that accepts the shape of an uncropped mask as its parameter and produces an initial array. Examples -------- Applying a logical 'AND' across all the masks. >>> import numpy as np >>> from starfish.core.morphology.binary_mask.test import factories >>> binary_mask_collection = factories.binary_mask_collection_2d() >>> anded_mask_collection = binary_mask_collection._reduce( np.logical_and, np.ones(shape=(5, 6), dtype=np.bool)) Applying a logical 'AND' across all the masks, without hard-coding the size of the array. >>> import numpy as np >>> from starfish.core.morphology.binary_mask.test import factories >>> binary_mask_collection = factories.binary_mask_collection_2d() >>> anded_mask_collection = binary_mask_collection._reduce( np.logical_and, lambda shape: np.ones(shape=shape, dtype=np.bool)) """ if callable(initial): shape = tuple(len(self._pixel_ticks[axis]) for axis, _ in zip(*_get_axes_names(len(self._pixel_ticks)))) result = initial(shape) else: result = initial for ix in range(len(self)): result = function(result, self.uncropped_mask(ix).values, *args, **kwargs) return BinaryMaskCollection.from_binary_arrays_and_ticks( [result], self._pixel_ticks, self._physical_ticks, self._log, )
# these need to be at the end to avoid recursive imports from . import _io # noqa