Starfish Usage

The purpose of this short document is to concisely specify how data needs to be pre-processed and formatted to be analyzed by starfish while the package is in beta development. This document primarily serves to condense and make minor clarifications to the original proposal that was circulated earlier this year.

We remain committed, in 2019, to expand the capabilities of starfish such that it can serve as a general purpose tool for the processing of Image-based transcriptomics workflows, and are very thankful for the feedback we’ve received on what will be required to accomplish that. We hope that with those additions, starfish can reduce development burden and speed processing and iteration. However, the full set of features needed to accomplish this across assays are not yet complete. As a result, some pre-processing must be applied to data before it can be used in starfish.

Starfish Usage Checklist

  1. Image data

    1. In SpaceTx Format and validates with starfish validate,

    2. Corrected for optical aberration,

      1. starfish contains some experimental filters to enable linear unmixing and flat field correction. These are not yet fully tested, so use these at your own risk. More complex transforms must be pre-applied.

    3. Registered

      1. If the data are from a multiplexed assay, then starfish expects labs to send us pre-registered images, such that each image tile in a FOV, across rounds, covers data from the same coordinate range.

      2. If the data are from a non-multiplexed assay, then we either expect labs to send us pre-registered images as above, or for labs to enter the post-registered coordinates of each tile in the metadata. In the latter case, we expect labs to handle registration artifact post-processing.

      3. If data require only translation registration, and authors provide a reference image against which all rounds can be registered, starfish provides some rudimentary tooling to support this registration.

  2. A codebook in SpaceTx format

  3. DAPI overview image of entire sample (if using starfish’s segmentation tools)

Data Files and Formats

Data and Auxiliary Images

Each dataset should be formatted in SpaceTx Format. Briefly, SpaceTx format specifies an index, written in json, that specifies metadata about a set of image tiles. It is built hierarchically, where each Experiment corresponds to a microscope slide, which contains multiple fields of view, which correspond to the individual imaging locations and be the size of the camera’s sensor, in pixels. Common sizes that we have received include 1024 x 1024 and 2048 x 2048 pixel images. Each Field of View is built from a series of 2d images, taken from each of the channels, rounds, and focal planes that are captured in that physical location over the experiment.

Auxiliary images that are captured for reasons other than identifying the localization of mRNA transcripts, such as images of anchor probes, nissl stains, dapi stains, or fiduciary beads, should be stored as Auxiliary images that are associated with each field of view.

Constructed Experiment objects can be validated with starfish validate. Instructions for carrying out this validation can be found here. If any issues arise during this process, please open an issue and let us know.

starfish provides tooling to create Experiment objects automatically in cases where images are stored in a local directory structure, and the directories or file names contain all information about the fluorescence channel, imaging round, z-plane, physical coordinates, and field of view for data and auxiliary images. starfish provides examples of how naming conventions can be used to extract data for a variety of datasets.


Each dataset should be accompanied by a codebook in SpaceTx format with the filename codebook.json. The codebook is also stored in JSON, and specifies, for each target mRNA, the expected fluorescence value for each round and channel of the experiment. We’ve provided some toy examples that demonstrate what targets might look like in both sequential smFISH and multiplex experiments.

Data Pre-processing

We have prioritized the implementation of solutions that generalize across studies, such as image filtering, spot calling, decoding, segmentation, and quantification.

An early learning from starfish has been that each assay and microscope have different quirks. The subtle changes in position of the microscope stage, and the optical properties of the microscopes and cameras, require diverse solutions to register images and correct optical aberrations. As a result, we have not yet been able to complete the implementation of general solutions to correct for these issues, and request users pre-process data as described below.

Data should be pre-registered and if the assay is code-based, the transformation should be applied

starfish currently requires users pre-register their data because the requirements and associated algorithms are highly variable across methods and have strong dependencies on signal acquisition properties. Specifically, some methods absolutely require sub-pixel registration of all transcripts across rounds, while others can maintain a high degree of accuracy in transcriptomic profiles with registration errors up to several pixels. However, in all cases the output is the same: coordinate information for each image tile in the Field of View that is of sufficient precision to allow subsequent processing. Since this output is common to all methods, we are asking that the (x, y, z) location of each image tile provided in the data manifest to be the post-registration location. If a spaceTx method requires image transformations into some registered coordinates (e.g. for spectral unmixing before spotfinding, or decoding spots or pixels across rounds), data contributors must provide transformed image data.

This means that for single-molecule FISH, for which each imaging round and channel are independent, data must be pre-registered, where registration is defined as finding the correct spatial localization of a tissue tile with respect to all other adjacent tiles. For multiplexed/coded assays like MERFISH, ISS, BaristaSeq, StarMAP, SeqFISH, and MExFISH, this means that data must be registered and resliced by applying the learned transformation, and the post-registration physical image coordinates must be identical for all tiles in the same field of view.

Data should be corrected for optical aberrations

Image-based transcriptomics methods may require correction of residual chromatic or other optical aberrations such as pincushioning or nonuniform excitation intensities. These corrections, which are assumed to be correctable before any image-based transcriptomics pipeline processing, should be applied by the data contributor to image data before processing with the pipeline.

The pixel intensities of hybridization signals, background and autofluorescence may vary across hybridization rounds (H), color channels (C) and even across species, as well as between different imaging methods. The primary mechanism to deal with variable dynamic range is correctly setting pipeline recipe parameters for the Image Filtering pipeline component, but in the event that those results are inadequate for downstream processing, data contributors may pre-scale image data. Additional modules to handle specific image intensity scaling problems are welcome as part of the Image Filtering pipeline component.

No other processing should be applied to the data

Only registration and optical aberrations should be corrected prior to analysis with starfish. Background subtraction, for example, is handled by Starfish. If there is confusion about what types of image pre-processing should be applied, please open an issue.

Data Formatting Examples

This section provides several examples of how to format data into SpaceTx-Format from a variety of types of input data shapes and sizes, demonstrating the flexibility of TileFetcher.

Data Processing examples

This section provides several examples of how to apply starfish to data from a variety of assay types assuming your data is already in spaceTx format.