
The IntensityTable summarizes information about RNA features that are detected in image-based transcriptomics experiments. The most common features are spots, pixels, or connected pixels that result from the fluorescence of a probe that has been experimentally attached to an RNA molecule.

To gather information on the RNA present in a tissue slice, image-based transcriptomics experiments require the imaging of the same RNA molecules over multiple rounds and across multiple fluorescence channels. In multiplex assays, the identity of these spots is only determined after measuring the spot’s intensity across all rounds and channels. In sequential assays, each round and channel identifies all detected RNA molecules for a specific target.

The IntensityTable stores a summary of the intensity of each feature across each round and channel, forming a 3-dimensional array with dimensions (feature, round, channel). It also stores metadata that declare how the features were measured and are defined, and metadata for each individual feature. Finally, it supports addition of arbitrary metadata for each feature, round, channel, or on the detection of those features.


IntensityTables are stored as three dimensional arrays of shape (f, r, c), where f is the number of detected features in the experiment, r is the number of rounds, and c is the number of channels. Entries in the array are floats in the range of [0, 1], where 1 represents the maximum intensity and 0, the minimum intensity.

Table Metadata

The IntensityTable stores some standard metadata that record how features are summarized.

intensity_measurement_type (string):

In the case where features are composed of spots or connected pixels, the intensity of each pixel in the feature must be integrated into a single measurement. The intensity_measurement_type field stores the calculation made to carry out this integration. This entry is filled by the spot detector. The default value is max but other common methods might include mean or median.

area_measurment_type (string):

This size of each feature can be summarize in different ways that often depend on how they’re detected. For example, it is natural to summarize spots as circles, while pixel-based approaches can produce irregular features that are difficult to summarize parametrically. This entry is filled by the spot detector and describes how areas are calculated.

Feature Metadata

IntensityTable Features are annotated with several types of metadata. These include the x, y, z position of each feature in pixel and coordinate space and the area of the feature. Additionally, there are entries that can be filled by a decoder which determines the target that a spot corresponds to, or a Segmentation mask, which determines which cell an object corresponds to. Users may add additional metadata columns with names that do not overlap this list as they see fit. The following metadata are always present on IntensityTables. In some cases, these values may be set to NaN or null if the IntensityTable has not been decoded or merged with a segmentation result.

x, y, z (int): coordinates of the centroid of the feature in pixel space

xc, yc, zc (float): coordinates of the centroid of the feature in global coordinates (um)

area (float): area of the spot in pixels # TODO: should this be in um^2?

cell (int): the id for the cell that this feature belongs to

gene (str): gene name of target RNA, (gene symbol or GENCODE gene ID)


Starfish Implements the ExpressionMatrix as an xarray.DataArray object to take advantage of xarray’s high performance, flexible metadata storage capabilities, and Serialization options


The IntensityTable can leverage any of the xarray serialization features, including csv, zarr, and netcdf. We choose netcdf as it currently has the strongest support and interoperability between R and python. Users can load and manipulate IntensityTables using R by loading them with the ncdf4 package. In the future, NetCDF serialization may be deprecated if R gains Zarr support.