Format MERFISH dataΒΆ

The following script formats MERFISH data acquired from cultured U2-OS cells.

import argparse
import functools
import json
import os
from typing import IO, Mapping, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from import imread
from slicedimage import ImageFormat

from starfish.core.util.argparse import FsExistsType
from starfish.experiment.builder import FetchedTile, TileFetcher, write_experiment_json
from starfish.types import Axes, Coordinates, CoordinateValue

SHAPE = {Axes.Y: 2048, Axes.X: 2048}

# We use this to cache images across tiles.  In the case of the merfish data set, FOVs are saved
# together in a single file.  To avoid reopening and decoding the TIFF file, we use a single-element
# cache that maps between file_path and the decoded multipage TIFF.
def cached_read_fn(file_path):
    return imread(file_path)

class MERFISHTile(FetchedTile):
    def __init__(self, file_path, r, ch, coordinates):
        self.file_path = file_path
        # how to index tiles from indices into multi-page tiff
        # key is a tuple of round, chan. val is the index = {(0, 0): 0,
                    (0, 1): 1,
                    (1, 0): 3,
                    (1, 1): 2,
                    (2, 0): 4,
                    (2, 1): 5,
                    (3, 0): 6,
                    (3, 1): 7,
                    (4, 0): 9,
                    (4, 1): 8,
                    (5, 0): 10,
                    (5, 1): 11,
                    (6, 0): 12,
                    (6, 1): 13,
                    (7, 0): 15,
                    (7, 1): 14}
        self.r = r = ch
        self._coordinates = coordinates

    def shape(self) -> Mapping[Axes, int]:
        return SHAPE

    def coordinates(self) -> Mapping[Union[str, Coordinates], CoordinateValue]:
        return self._coordinates

    def tile_data(self) -> IO:
        return cached_read_fn(self.file_path)[[(self.r,], :, :]

class MERFISHAuxTile(FetchedTile):
    def __init__(self, file_path, coordinates):
        self.file_path = file_path
        self.dapi_index = 17
        self._coordinates = coordinates

    def shape(self) -> Mapping[Axes, int]:
        return SHAPE

    def coordinates(self) -> Mapping[Union[str, Coordinates], CoordinateValue]:
        return self._coordinates

    def tile_data(self) -> np.ndarray:
        return cached_read_fn(self.file_path)[self.dapi_index, :, :]

class MERFISHTileFetcher(TileFetcher):
    def __init__(self, input_dir, is_dapi):
        self.input_dir = input_dir
        self.is_dapi = is_dapi
        self.coordinates = self.parse_coordinates(input_dir)

    def parse_coordinates(input_dir):
        filename = os.path.join(input_dir, "stagePos.csv")
        data = pd.read_csv(filename, names=['y_min', 'x_min'])
        data['x_max'] = data['x_min'] + 200
        data['y_max'] = data['y_min'] + 200
        return data

    def make_coordinates(self, fov):
        return {
            Coordinates.X: (
                float(self.coordinates.loc[fov, 'x_min']),
                float(self.coordinates.loc[fov, 'x_max'])
            Coordinates.Y: (
                float(self.coordinates.loc[fov, 'y_min']),
                float(self.coordinates.loc[fov, 'y_max'])
            Coordinates.Z: (0.0, 0.001)

    def get_tile(
            self, fov_id: int, round_label: int, ch_label: int, zplane_label: int) -> FetchedTile:
        filename = os.path.join(self.input_dir, 'fov_{}.tif'.format(fov_id))
        file_path = os.path.join(self.input_dir, filename)
        if self.is_dapi:
            return MERFISHAuxTile(file_path, self.make_coordinates(fov_id))
            return MERFISHTile(file_path, round_label, ch_label, self.make_coordinates(fov_id))

def format_data(input_dir, output_dir):

    input_dir = os.path.abspath(input_dir)
    output_dir = os.path.abspath(output_dir)

    def add_scale_factors(experiment_json_doc):
        filename = os.path.join(input_dir, "scale_factors.json")
        with open(filename, 'r') as f:
            data = json.load(f)
        experiment_json_doc['extras'] = {"scale_factors": data}
        return experiment_json_doc

    num_fovs = 496

    primary_image_dimensions = {
        Axes.ROUND: 8,
        Axes.CH: 2,
        Axes.ZPLANE: 1,

    aux_name_to_dimensions = {
        'nuclei': {
            Axes.ROUND: 1,
            Axes.CH: 1,
            Axes.ZPLANE: 1

                          primary_tile_fetcher=MERFISHTileFetcher(input_dir, is_dapi=False),
                              'nuclei': MERFISHTileFetcher(input_dir, is_dapi=True),

if __name__ == "__main__":
    s3_bucket = "s3://"
    input_help_msg = "Path to raw data. Raw data can be downloaded from: {}".format(s3_bucket)
    output_help_msg = "Path to output experment.json and all formatted images it references"
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("input_dir", type=FsExistsType(), help=input_help_msg)
    parser.add_argument("output_dir", type=FsExistsType(), help=output_help_msg)

    args = parser.parse_args()
    format_data(args.input_dir, args.output_dir)

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