Source code for starfish.core.intensity_table.intensity_table

from itertools import product
from json import loads
from typing import Dict, Hashable, List, Optional, Sequence

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr

from starfish.core.types import (
from starfish.core.util.levels import preserve_float_range
from .overlap import (

[docs]class IntensityTable(xr.DataArray): """ IntensityTable is a container for spot or pixel features extracted from image data. It is the primary output from starfish :py:class:`SpotFinder` methods. An IntensityTable records the numeric intensity of a set of features in each :code:`(round, channel)` tile in which the feature is identified. The :py:class:`IntensityTable` has shape :code:`(n_feature, n_channel, n_round)`. Some :py:class:`SpotFinder` methods identify a position and search for Gaussian blobs in a small radius, only recording intensities if they are found in a given tile. Other :py:class:SpotFinder: approaches find blobs in a max-projection and measure them everywhere. As a result, some IntensityTables will be dense, and others will contain :code:`np.nan` entries where no feature was detected. Examples -------- Create an IntensityTable using the ``SyntheticData`` factory:: >>> from starfish.core.test.factories import SyntheticData >>> sd = SyntheticData(n_ch=3, n_round=4, n_codes=2, n_spots=3) >>> codes = sd.codebook() >>> sd.intensities(codebook=codes) <xarray.IntensityTable (features: 3, r: 4, c: 3)> array([[[1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 1.], [0., 1., 0.]], [[1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 1.], [0., 1., 0.]], [[1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 1.], [0., 1., 0.]]], dtype=float32) Coordinates: z (features) int64 8 6 2 y (features) float64 14.61 41.9 3.935 x (features) float64 11.0 42.42 5.249 radius (features) float64 nan nan nan * features (features) int64 0 1 2 * r (r) int64 0 1 2 3 * c (c) int64 0 1 2 """ __slots__ = () @staticmethod def _build_xarray_coords( spot_attributes: SpotAttributes, round_values: Sequence[int], channel_values: Sequence[int], ) -> Dict[Hashable, np.ndarray]: """build coordinates for intensity-table""" coordinates = { k: (Features.AXIS,[k].values) for k in} coordinates.update({ Features.AXIS: np.arange(len(, Axes.ROUND.value: np.array(round_values), Axes.CH.value: np.array(channel_values), }) return coordinates
[docs] @classmethod def zeros( cls, spot_attributes: SpotAttributes, round_labels: Sequence[int], ch_labels: Sequence[int], ) -> "IntensityTable": """ Create an empty intensity table with pre-set shape whose values are zero. Parameters ---------- spot_attributes : SpotAttributes Table containing spot metadata. Must contain the values specified in Axes.X, Y, Z, and RADIUS. round_labels : Sequence[int] The possible values for the round number, in the order that they are in the ImageStack 5D tensor. ch_labels : Sequence[int] The possible values for the channel number, in the order that they are in the ImageStack 5D tensor. Returns ------- IntensityTable : IntensityTable filled with zeros. """ if not isinstance(spot_attributes, SpotAttributes): raise TypeError('parameter spot_attributes must be a starfish SpotAttributes object.') data = np.zeros(([0], len(round_labels), len(ch_labels))) dims = (Features.AXIS, Axes.ROUND.value, Axes.CH.value,) coords = cls._build_xarray_coords(spot_attributes, round_labels, ch_labels) intensity_table = cls( data=data, coords=coords, dims=dims, ) return intensity_table
[docs] @classmethod def from_spot_data( cls, intensities: xr.DataArray, spot_attributes: SpotAttributes, round_values: Sequence[int], ch_values: Sequence[int], *args, **kwargs) -> "IntensityTable": """ Creates an IntensityTable from a :code:`(features, channel, round)` array and a :py:class:`~starfish.types._spot_attributes.SpotAttributes` object. Parameters ---------- intensities : xr.DataArray Intensity data. spot_attributes : SpotAttributes Table containing spot metadata. Must contain the values specified in Axes.X, Y, Z, and RADIUS. ch_values : Sequence[int] The possible values for the channel number, in the order that they are in the ImageStack 5D tensor. round_values : Sequence[int] The possible values for the round number, in the order that they are in the ImageStack args : Additional arguments to pass to the xarray constructor. kwargs : Additional keyword arguments to pass to the xarray constructor. Returns ------- IntensityTable : IntensityTable containing data from passed intensities, annotated by spot_attributes """ if len(intensities.shape) != 3: raise ValueError( f'intensities must be a (features * ch * round) 3-d tensor. Provided intensities ' f'shape ({intensities.shape}) is invalid.') if len(round_values) != intensities.shape[1]: raise ValueError( f"The number of round values ({len(round_values)}) should be equal to intensities' " f"shape[1] ({intensities.shape[1]})." ) if len(ch_values) != intensities.shape[2]: raise ValueError( f"The number of ch values ({len(ch_values)}) should be equal to intensities' " f"shape[2] ({intensities.shape[2]})." ) if not isinstance(spot_attributes, SpotAttributes): raise TypeError('parameter spot_attributes must be a starfish SpotAttributes object.') coords = cls._build_xarray_coords(spot_attributes, round_values, ch_values) dims = (Features.AXIS, Axes.ROUND.value, Axes.CH.value) intensities = cls(intensities, coords, dims, *args, **kwargs) return intensities
[docs] def get_log(self): """ Deserialize and return a list of pipeline components that have been applied throughout a starfish session to create this :py:class:IntensityTable:. """ if STARFISH_EXTRAS_KEY in self.attrs and LOG in self.attrs[STARFISH_EXTRAS_KEY]: return loads(self.attrs[STARFISH_EXTRAS_KEY])[LOG] else: raise RuntimeError('No log info found.')
@property def has_physical_coords(self): """Returns True if this table's features have physical-space loci.""" return Coordinates.X in self.coords and Coordinates.Y in self.coords
[docs] def to_netcdf(self, filename: str) -> None: # type: ignore """ Save an IntensityTable as a Netcdf File. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of Netcdf file. """ super().to_netcdf(filename)
[docs] @classmethod def open_netcdf(cls, filename: str) -> "IntensityTable": """ Load an IntensityTable from Netcdf. Parameters ---------- filename : str File to load. Returns ------- IntensityTable """ loaded = xr.open_dataarray(filename) intensity_table = cls(, loaded.coords, loaded.dims, attrs=loaded.attrs, ) return intensity_table
[docs] @classmethod def synthetic_intensities( cls, codebook, num_z: int = 12, height: int = 50, width: int = 40, n_spots: int = 10, mean_fluor_per_spot: int = 200, mean_photons_per_fluor: int = 50, ) -> "IntensityTable": """ Creates an IntensityTable with synthetic spots, that correspond to valid codes in a provided codebook. Parameters ---------- codebook : Codebook Starfish codebook object. num_z : int Number of z-planes to use when localizing spots. height : int y dimension of each synthetic plane. width : int x dimension of each synthetic plane. n_spots : int Number of spots to generate. mean_fluor_per_spot : int Mean number of fluorophores per spot. mean_photons_per_fluor : int Mean number of photons per fluorophore. Returns ------- IntensityTable """ z = np.random.randint(0, num_z, size=n_spots) y = np.random.uniform(0, height - 1, size=n_spots) x = np.random.uniform(0, width - 1, size=n_spots) r = np.empty(n_spots) r.fill(np.nan) # radius is a function of the point-spread gaussian size spot_attributes = SpotAttributes( pd.DataFrame( {Axes.ZPLANE.value: z, Axes.Y.value: y, Axes.X.value: x, Features.SPOT_RADIUS: r} ) ) # empty data tensor data = np.zeros(shape=(n_spots, *codebook.shape[1:])) targets = np.random.choice( codebook.coords[Features.TARGET], size=n_spots, replace=True) expected_bright_locations = np.where(codebook.loc[targets]) # create a binary matrix where "on" spots are 1 data[expected_bright_locations] = 1 # add physical properties of fluorescence data *= np.random.poisson(mean_photons_per_fluor, size=data.shape) data *= np.random.poisson(mean_fluor_per_spot, size=data.shape) # convert data to float for consistency with starfish data = preserve_float_range(data) assert 0 < data.max() <= 1 intensities = cls.from_spot_data( data, spot_attributes, np.arange(data.shape[1]), np.arange(data.shape[2])) return intensities
[docs] @classmethod def from_image_stack( cls, image_stack, crop_x: int=0, crop_y: int=0, crop_z: int=0 ) -> "IntensityTable": """Generate an IntensityTable from all the pixels in the ImageStack Parameters ---------- crop_x : int Number of pixels to crop from both top and bottom of x. crop_y : int Number of pixels to crop from both top and bottom of y. crop_z : int Number of pixels to crop from both top and bottom of z. image_stack : ImageStack ImageStack containing pixels to be treated as intensities. Returns ------- IntensityTable : IntensityTable containing one intensity per pixel (across channels and rounds). """ # verify the image is large enough to crop assert crop_z * 2 < image_stack.shape['z'] assert crop_y * 2 < image_stack.shape['y'] assert crop_x * 2 < image_stack.shape['x'] zmin = image_stack.axis_labels(Axes.ZPLANE)[crop_z] ymin = crop_y xmin = crop_x zmax = image_stack.axis_labels(Axes.ZPLANE)[-crop_z - 1] ymax = image_stack.shape['y'] - crop_y xmax = image_stack.shape['x'] - crop_x cropped_stack = image_stack.sel({Axes.ZPLANE: (zmin, zmax), Axes.Y: (ymin, ymax), Axes.X: (xmin, xmax)}) data = cropped_stack.xarray.transpose( Axes.ZPLANE.value, Axes.Y.value, Axes.X.value, Axes.ROUND.value, Axes.CH.value, ) # (pixels, ch, round) intensity_data = data.values.reshape(-1, image_stack.num_rounds, image_stack.num_chs) # IntensityTable pixel coordinates z = image_stack.axis_labels(Axes.ZPLANE) y = np.arange(ymin, ymax) x = np.arange(xmin, xmax) feature_attribute_data = pd.DataFrame( data=np.array(list(product(z, y, x))), columns=['z', 'y', 'x'] ) feature_attribute_data[Features.SPOT_RADIUS] = np.full( feature_attribute_data.shape[0], fill_value=0.5 ) pixel_coordinates = SpotAttributes(feature_attribute_data) return IntensityTable.from_spot_data( intensity_data, pixel_coordinates, image_stack.axis_labels(Axes.ROUND), image_stack.axis_labels(Axes.CH), )
@staticmethod def _process_overlaps( intensity_tables: List["IntensityTable"], overlap_strategy: OverlapStrategy ) -> List["IntensityTable"]: """ Find the overlapping sections between IntensityTables and process them according to the given overlap strategy """ overlap_pairs = find_overlaps_of_xarrays(intensity_tables) for indices in overlap_pairs: overlap_method = OVERLAP_STRATEGY_MAP[overlap_strategy] idx1, idx2 = indices # modify IntensityTables based on overlap strategy it1, it2 = overlap_method(intensity_tables[idx1], intensity_tables[idx2]) # replace IntensityTables in list intensity_tables[idx1] = it1 intensity_tables[idx2] = it2 return intensity_tables
[docs] @staticmethod def concatenate_intensity_tables( intensity_tables: List["IntensityTable"], overlap_strategy: Optional[OverlapStrategy] = None ) -> "IntensityTable": """ Parameters ---------- intensity_tables: List[IntensityTable] List of IntensityTables to be combined. overlap_strategy Returns ------- """ if overlap_strategy: intensity_tables = IntensityTable._process_overlaps( intensity_tables, overlap_strategy ) return xr.concat(intensity_tables, dim=Features.AXIS)
[docs] def to_features_dataframe(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Generates a dataframe of the underlying features metadata. This is guaranteed to contain the features x, y, z, and radius. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame """ return pd.DataFrame(dict(self[Features.AXIS].coords))