Source code for starfish.core.codebook.codebook

import json
import uuid
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Set, Tuple, TypeVar, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
from semantic_version import Version
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors
from import resolve_path_or_url

from starfish.core.codebook._format import (
from starfish.core.config import StarfishConfig
from starfish.core.imagestack import indexing_utils
from starfish.core.intensity_table.decoded_intensity_table import DecodedIntensityTable
from starfish.core.intensity_table.intensity_table import IntensityTable
from starfish.core.spacetx_format.util import CodebookValidator
from starfish.core.types import Axes, Features, Number

NormalizedFeaturesArgtype = TypeVar("NormalizedFeaturesArgtype", "Codebook", IntensityTable)

[docs]class Codebook(xr.DataArray): """Codebook for an image-based transcriptomics experiment The codebook is a three dimensional tensor with shape :code:`(feature, round, channel)` whose values are the expected intensity of features (spots or pixels) that correspond to each target (gene or protein) in each of the image tiles of an experiment. This class supports the construction of synthetic codebooks for testing, and exposes decode methods to assign target identifiers to spots. This codebook provides an in-memory representation of the codebook defined in the SpaceTx format. The codebook is a subclass of xarray, and exposes the complete public API of that package in addition to the methods and constructors listed below. Examples -------- Build a codebook using :py:meth:`Codebook.synthetic_one_hot_codebook`:: >>> from starfish import Codebook >>> sd = Codebook.synthetic_one_hot_codebook(n_round=4, n_channel=3, n_codes=2) >>> sd.codebook() <xarray.Codebook (target: 2, r: 4, c: 3)> array([[[1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]], [[1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8) Coordinates: * target (target) object 6d7fff11-8905-4421-ab49-4f6d8ecdb4b7 \ 1f5f7087-0618-49fc-a6a5-82fee14360b3 * r (r) int64 0 1 2 3 * c (c) int64 0 1 2 """ __slots__ = () @property def code_length(self) -> int: """return the length of codes in this codebook""" return int(*self.shape[1:]))
[docs] @classmethod def zeros(cls, code_names: Sequence[str], n_round: int, n_channel: int): """ Create an empty codebook of shape (code_names, n_round, n_channel) Parameters ---------- code_names : Sequence[str] The targets to be coded. n_round : int Number of imaging rounds used to build the codes. n_channel : int Number of channels used to build the codes. Examples -------- Build an empty 2-round 3-channel codebook:: >>> from starfish import Codebook >>> Codebook.zeros(['ACTA', 'ACTB'], n_round=2, n_channel=4) <xarray.Codebook (target: 2, r: 2, c: 4)> array([[[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], [[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8) Coordinates: * target (target) object 'ACTA' 'ACTB' * r (r) int64 0 1 * c (c) int64 0 1 2 3 Returns ------- Codebook : codebook whose values are all zero """ data = np.zeros((len(code_names), n_round, n_channel), dtype=np.uint8) return cls.from_numpy(code_names, n_round, n_channel, data)
[docs] @classmethod def from_numpy( cls, code_names: Sequence[str], n_round: int, n_channel: int, data: np.ndarray, ) -> "Codebook": """create a codebook of shape (code_names, n_round, n_channel) from a 3-d numpy array Parameters ---------- code_names : Sequence[str] the targets to be coded n_round : int number of imaging rounds used to build the codes n_channel : int number of channels used to build the codes data : np.ndarray array of unit8 values with len(code_names) x n_channel x n_round elements Examples -------- Build a 3-round 4-channel codebook where :code:`ACTA` is specified by intensity in round 0, channel 1, and :code:`ACTB` is coded by fluorescence in channels 0, 1, and 2 of rounds 0, 1, and 2. :: >>> import numpy as np >>> from starfish import Codebook >>> data = np.zeros((2,3,4), dtype=np.uint8) >>> data[0, 0, 1] = 1 # ACTA >>> data[[1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2]] = 1 # ACTB >>> Codebook.from_numpy(['ACTA', 'ACTB'], n_channel=4, n_round=3, data=data) <xarray.Codebook (target: 2, r: 3, c: 4)> array([[[0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], [[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0]]], dtype=uint8) Coordinates: * target (target) object 'ACTA' 'ACTB' * r (r) int64 0 1 2 * c (c) int64 0 1 2 3 Returns ------- Codebook : codebook with filled values """ return cls( data=data, coords=( pd.Index(code_names, name=Features.TARGET), pd.Index(np.arange(n_round), name=Axes.ROUND.value), pd.Index(np.arange(n_channel), name=Axes.CH.value), ) )
@classmethod def _verify_version(cls, semantic_version_str: str) -> None: version = Version(semantic_version_str) if not (MIN_SUPPORTED_VERSION <= version <= MAX_SUPPORTED_VERSION): raise ValueError( f"version {version} not supported. This version of the starfish library only " f"supports codebook formats from {MIN_SUPPORTED_VERSION} to " f"{MAX_SUPPORTED_VERSION}")
[docs] @classmethod def from_code_array( cls, code_array: List[Dict[Union[str, Any], Any]], n_round: Optional[int] = None, n_channel: Optional[int] = None) -> "Codebook": """ Construct a codebook from a python list of SpaceTx-Format codewords. Note: Loading the SpaceTx-Format codebook with :py:meth:`json.load` will produce a code array that can be passed to this constructor. Parameters ---------- code_array : List[Dict[str, Any]] Array of dictionaries, each containing a codeword and target n_round : Optional[int] The number of imaging rounds used in the codes. Will be inferred if not provided n_channel : Optional[int] The number of channels used in the codes. Will be inferred if not provided Examples -------- Construct a codebook from some array data in python memory :: >>> from starfish.types import Axes, Features >>> from starfish import Codebook >>> codebook = [ >>> { >>> Features.CODEWORD: [ >>> {Axes.ROUND.value: 0, Axes.CH.value: 3, Features.CODE_VALUE: 1}, >>> {Axes.ROUND.value: 1, Axes.CH.value: 3, Features.CODE_VALUE: 1}, >>> ], >>> Features.TARGET: "ACTB_human" >>> }, >>> { >>> Features.CODEWORD: [ >>> {Axes.ROUND.value: 0, Axes.CH.value: 3, Features.CODE_VALUE: 1}, >>> {Axes.ROUND.value: 1, Axes.CH.value: 1, Features.CODE_VALUE: 1}, >>> ], >>> Features.TARGET: "ACTB_mouse" >>> }, >>> ] >>> Codebook.from_code_array(codebook) <xarray.Codebook (target: 2, r: 2, c: 4)> array([[[0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 1]], [[0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8) Coordinates: * target (target) object 'ACTB_human' 'ACTB_mouse' * r (r) int64 0 1 * c (c) int64 0 1 2 3 Returns ------- Codebook : Codebook with shape (targets, channels, imaging_rounds) """ # guess the max round and channel if not provided, otherwise check provided values are valid max_round, max_ch = 0, 0 # verify codebook structure and fields for code in code_array: if not isinstance(code, dict): raise ValueError(f'codebook must be an array of dictionary codes. Found: {code}.') # verify all necessary fields are present required_fields = {Features.CODEWORD, Features.TARGET} missing_fields = required_fields.difference(code) if missing_fields: raise ValueError( f'Each entry of codebook must contain {required_fields}. Missing fields: ' f'{missing_fields}') for entry in code[Features.CODEWORD]: if not isinstance(entry, dict): raise TypeError("codeword entries should be dictionaries") required_codeword_fields = {Axes.ROUND.value, Axes.CH.value, Features.CODE_VALUE} missing_codeword_fields = required_codeword_fields.difference(entry) if missing_codeword_fields: raise ValueError( f"Each codeword entry must contain {required_codeword_fields}. Missing " f"fields: {missing_codeword_fields}") for code in code_array: for entry in code[Features.CODEWORD]: max_round = max(max_round, entry[Axes.ROUND]) max_ch = max(max_ch, entry[Axes.CH]) # set n_channel and n_round if either were not provided n_round = n_round if n_round is not None else max_round + 1 n_channel = n_channel if n_channel is not None else max_ch + 1 # raise errors if provided n_round or n_channel are out of range if max_round + 1 > n_round: raise ValueError( f'code detected that requires an imaging round value ({max_round + 1}) that is ' f'greater than provided n_round: {max_round}') if max_ch + 1 > n_channel: raise ValueError( f'code detected that requires a channel value ({max_ch + 1}) that is greater ' f'than provided n_channel: {n_channel}') target_names = [w[Features.TARGET] for w in code_array] # fill the codebook data = np.zeros((len(target_names), n_round, n_channel), dtype=np.uint8) for i, code_dict in enumerate(code_array): for bit in code_dict[Features.CODEWORD]: ch = int(bit[Axes.CH]) r = int(bit[Axes.ROUND]) data[i, r, ch] = int(bit[Features.CODE_VALUE]) return cls.from_numpy(target_names, n_round, n_channel, data)
[docs] @classmethod def open_json( cls, json_codebook: str, n_round: Optional[int] = None, n_channel: Optional[int] = None, ) -> "Codebook": """ Load a codebook from a SpaceTx Format json file or a url pointing to such a file. Parameters ---------- json_codebook : str Path or url to json file containing a spaceTx codebook. n_round : Optional[int] The number of imaging rounds used in the codes. Will be inferred if not provided. n_channel : Optional[int] The number of channels used in the codes. Will be inferred if not provided. Examples -------- Create a codebook from in-memory data :: >>> from starfish.types import Axes, Features >>> from starfish import Codebook >>> import tempfile >>> import json >>> import os >>> dir_ = tempfile.mkdtemp() >>> codebook = [ >>> { >>> Features.CODEWORD: [ >>> {Axes.ROUND.value: 0, Axes.CH.value: 3, Features.CODE_VALUE: 1}, >>> {Axes.ROUND.value: 1, Axes.CH.value: 3, Features.CODE_VALUE: 1}, >>> ], >>> Features.TARGET: "ACTB_human" >>> }, >>> { >>> Features.CODEWORD: [ >>> {Axes.ROUND.value: 0, Axes.CH.value: 3, Features.CODE_VALUE: 1}, >>> {Axes.ROUND.value: 1, Axes.CH.value: 1, Features.CODE_VALUE: 1}, >>> ], >>> Features.TARGET: "ACTB_mouse" >>> }, >>> ] >>> # make a fake file >>> json_codebook = os.path.join(dir_, 'codebook.json') >>> with open(json_codebook, 'w') as f: >>> json.dump(codebook, f) >>> # read codebook from file >>> Codebook.open_json(json_codebook) <xarray.Codebook (target: 2, r: 2, c: 4)> array([[[0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 1]], [[0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8) Coordinates: * target (target) object 'ACTB_human' 'ACTB_mouse' * r (r) int64 0 1 * c (c) int64 0 1 2 3 Returns ------- Codebook : Codebook with shape (targets, channels, imaging_rounds) """ config = StarfishConfig() backend, name, _ = resolve_path_or_url(json_codebook, backend_config=config.slicedimage) with backend.read_contextmanager(name) as fh: codebook_doc = json.load(fh) if config.strict: codebook_validator = CodebookValidator(codebook_doc) if not codebook_validator.validate_object(codebook_doc): raise Exception("validation failed") if isinstance(codebook_doc, list): raise ValueError( "codebook is a list and not an dictionary. It is highly likely that you are using" "a codebook formatted for a previous version of starfish.") version_str = codebook_doc[DocumentKeys.VERSION_KEY] cls._verify_version(version_str) return cls.from_code_array(codebook_doc[DocumentKeys.MAPPINGS_KEY], n_round, n_channel)
[docs] def get_partial(self, indexers: Mapping[Axes, Union[int, slice, Sequence]]): """ Slice the codebook data according to the provided indexing parameters. Used in a composite codebook scenario. Parameters ---------- indexers : Mapping[Axes, Union[int, Sequence]] A dictionary of dim:index where index is the value, values or range to index the dimension """ selector = indexing_utils.convert_to_selector(indexers) return indexing_utils.index_keep_dimensions(self, indexers=selector)
[docs] def to_json(self, filename: Union[str, Path]) -> None: """ Save a codebook to json using SpaceTx Format. Parameters ---------- filename : Union[str, Path] The name of the file in which to save the codebook. """ code_array = [] for target_index in range(self.sizes[Features.TARGET]): codeword = [] target_codeword = self[{Features.TARGET: target_index}] nonzero_indices = np.nonzero(target_codeword.values) for round_index, ch_index in zip(*nonzero_indices): codeword.append( { Axes.ROUND.value: int(self.coords[Axes.ROUND.value][round_index]), Axes.CH.value: int(self.coords[Axes.CH.value][ch_index]), Features.CODE_VALUE: float(target_codeword[round_index, ch_index]) }) target_cell: np.ndarray = self.coords[Features.TARGET][target_index].values assert len(target_cell.shape) == 0 target_name = str(target_cell) code_array.append({ Features.CODEWORD: codeword, Features.TARGET: target_name, }) codebook_document = { DocumentKeys.VERSION_KEY: str(CURRENT_VERSION), DocumentKeys.MAPPINGS_KEY: code_array, } with open(filename, 'w') as f: json.dump(codebook_document, f)
@staticmethod def _normalize_features( array: NormalizedFeaturesArgtype, norm_order: int, ) -> Tuple[NormalizedFeaturesArgtype, np.ndarray]: """Unit normalize each feature of array Parameters ---------- array : Union[Codebook, IntensityTable] codebook or intensity table containing (ch, r) features to normalize norm_order : int the norm to apply to each feature Notes ----- The available norms for this function can be found at the following link: :doc:`numpy:reference/generated/numpy.linalg.norm` Returns ------- Union[IntensityTable, Codebook] : IntensityTable or Codebook containing normalized features np.ndarray : A 1 dimensional numpy array containing the feature norms """ feature_traces = array.stack(traces=(Axes.CH.value, Axes.ROUND.value)) norm = np.linalg.norm(feature_traces.values, ord=norm_order, axis=1) array = array / norm[:, None, None] # if a feature is all zero, the information should be spread across the channel n = array.sizes[Axes.CH.value] * array.sizes[Axes.ROUND.value] partitioned_intensity = np.linalg.norm(np.full(n, fill_value=1 / n), ord=norm_order) / n array.values[np.logical_not(np.isfinite(array.values))] = partitioned_intensity return array, norm @staticmethod def _approximate_nearest_code( norm_codes: "Codebook", norm_intensities: xr.DataArray, metric: str, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """find the nearest code for each feature using the ball_tree approximate NN algorithm Parameters ---------- norm_codes : Codebook codebook with each code normalized to unit length (sum = 1) norm_intensities : IntensityTable intensity table with each feature normalized to unit length (sum = 1) metric : str the sklearn metric string to pass to NearestNeighbors Returns ------- np.ndarray : metric_output the output of metric applied to each feature closest code np.ndarray : targets the gene that corresponds to each matched code Notes ----- This function does not verify that the intensities have been normalized. """ linear_codes = norm_codes.stack(traces=(Axes.CH.value, Axes.ROUND.value)).values linear_features = norm_intensities.stack( traces=(Axes.CH.value, Axes.ROUND.value)).values # reshape into traces nn = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=1, algorithm='ball_tree', metric=metric).fit(linear_codes) metric_output, indices = nn.kneighbors(linear_features) gene_ids = np.ravel(norm_codes.indexes[Features.TARGET].values[indices]) return np.ravel(metric_output), gene_ids def _validate_decode_intensity_input_matches_codebook_shape( self, intensities: IntensityTable, ): """verify that the shapes of the codebook and intensities match""" ch_match = intensities.sizes[Axes.CH] == self.sizes[Axes.CH] round_match = intensities.sizes[Axes.ROUND] == self.sizes[Axes.ROUND] if not (ch_match and round_match): raise ValueError( 'Codebook and Intensities must have same number of channels and rounds')
[docs] def decode_metric( self, intensities: IntensityTable, max_distance: Number, min_intensity: Number, norm_order: int, metric: str='euclidean', return_original_intensities: bool = False ) -> DecodedIntensityTable: """ Assigns intensity patterns that have been extracted from an :py:class:`ImageStack` and stored in an :py:class:`IntensityTable` by a :py:class:`SpotFinder` to the gene targets that they encode. This method carries out the assignment by first normalizing both the codes and the recovered intensities to be unit magnitude using an L2 norm, and then finds the closest code for each feature according to a distance metric (default=euclidean). Features greater than :code:`max_distance` from their nearest code, or that have an average intensity below :code:`min_intensity` are not assigned to any feature. Parameters ---------- intensities : IntensityTable features to be decoded max_distance : Number maximum distance between a feature and its closest code for which the coded target will be assigned. min_intensity : Number minimum intensity for a feature to receive a target annotation norm_order : int the scipy.linalg norm to apply to normalize codes and intensities metric : str the sklearn metric string to pass to NearestNeighbors return_original_intensities: bool If True returns original intensity values in the DecodedIntensityTable instead of normalized ones (default=False) Notes ----- The available norms for this function can be found at the following link: :doc:`numpy:reference/generated/numpy.linalg.norm` The available metrics for this function can be found at the following link: :doc:`scipy:spatial.distance` Returns ------- IntensityTable : Intensity table containing normalized intensities, target assignments, distances to the nearest code, and the filtering status of each feature. """ self._validate_decode_intensity_input_matches_codebook_shape(intensities) # add empty metadata fields and return if intensities.sizes[Features.AXIS] == 0: return DecodedIntensityTable.from_intensity_table( intensities, targets=(Features.AXIS, np.empty(0, dtype='U')), distances=(Features.AXIS, np.empty(0, dtype=np.float64)), passes_threshold=(Features.AXIS, np.empty(0, dtype=bool))) # normalize both the intensities and the codebook norm_intensities, norms = self._normalize_features(intensities, norm_order=norm_order) norm_codes, _ = self._normalize_features(self, norm_order=norm_order) metric_outputs, targets = self._approximate_nearest_code( norm_codes, norm_intensities, metric=metric) # only targets with low distances and high intensities should be retained passes_filters = np.logical_and( norms >= min_intensity, metric_outputs <= max_distance, dtype=np.bool ) return_intensities = intensities if return_original_intensities else norm_intensities # norm_intensities is a DataArray, make it back into an IntensityTable return DecodedIntensityTable.from_intensity_table( return_intensities, targets=(Features.AXIS, targets), distances=(Features.AXIS, metric_outputs), passes_threshold=(Features.AXIS, passes_filters))
[docs] def decode_per_round_max(self, intensities: IntensityTable) -> DecodedIntensityTable: """ Assigns intensity patterns that have been extracted from an :py:class:`ImageStack` and stored in an :py:class:`IntensityTable` by a :py:class:`SpotFinder` to the gene targets that they encode. This method carries out the assignment by identifying the maximum-intensity channel for each round, and assigning each spot to a code if the maximum-intensity pattern exists in the codebook. This method is only compatible with one-hot codebooks, where exactly one channel is expected to contain fluorescence in each imaging round. This is a common coding strategy for experiments that read out one DNA base with a distinct fluorophore in each imaging round. Notes ----- - If no code matches the per-round maximum for a feature, it will be assigned 'nan' instead of a target value - Numpy's argmax breaks ties by picking the first of the tied values -- this can lead to unexpected results in low-precision images where some features with "tied" channels will decode, but others will be assigned 'nan'. Parameters ---------- intensities : IntensityTable features to be decoded Returns ------- IntensityTable : intensity table containing additional data variables for target assignments """ def _view_row_as_element(array: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """view an entire code as a single element This view allows vectors (codes) to be compared for equality without need for multiple comparisons by casting the data in each code to a structured dtype that registers as a single value Parameters ---------- array : np.ndarray 2-dimensional numpy array of shape (n_observations, (n_channel * n_round)) where observations may be either features or codes. Returns ------- np.ndarray : 1-dimensional vector of shape n_observations """ nrows, ncols = array.shape dtype = {'names': ['f{}'.format(i) for i in range(ncols)], 'formats': ncols * [array.dtype]} return array.view(dtype) self._validate_decode_intensity_input_matches_codebook_shape(intensities) # add empty metadata fields and return if intensities.sizes[Features.AXIS] == 0: return DecodedIntensityTable.from_intensity_table( intensities, targets=(Features.AXIS, np.empty(0, dtype='U')), distances=(Features.AXIS, np.empty(0, dtype=np.float64)), passes_threshold=(Features.AXIS, np.empty(0, dtype=bool))) intensities_without_nans = intensities.fillna(0) max_channels = intensities_without_nans.argmax(Axes.CH.value) # this snippet of code finds all the (feature, round) spots that have uniform illumination, # and assigns them to a ch number that's one larger than max possible to ensure that such # spots decode to `NaN`. max_channels_max = intensities_without_nans.reduce(np.amax, Axes.CH.value) max_channels_min = intensities_without_nans.reduce(np.amin, Axes.CH.value) uniform_illumination_mask = (max_channels_max == max_channels_min).values max_channels.values[uniform_illumination_mask] = ( # type: ignore intensities.sizes[Axes.CH.value] ) codes = self.argmax(Axes.CH.value) # TODO ambrosejcarr, dganguli: explore this quality score further # calculate distance scores by evaluating the fraction of signal in each round that is # found in the non-maximal channels. max_intensities = intensities.max(Axes.CH.value) round_intensities = intensities.sum(Axes.CH.value) distance = 1 - (max_intensities / round_intensities).mean(Axes.ROUND.value) a = _view_row_as_element(codes.values.reshape(self.shape[0], -1)) # type: ignore b = _view_row_as_element( max_channels.values.reshape(intensities.shape[0], -1) # type: ignore ) targets = np.full(intensities.shape[0], fill_value=np.nan, dtype=object) # decode the intensities for i in np.arange(codes.shape[0]): # type: ignore targets[np.where(a[i] == b)[0]] = codes[Features.TARGET][i] # a code passes filters if it decodes successfully passes_filters = ~pd.isnull(targets) return DecodedIntensityTable.from_intensity_table( intensities, targets=(Features.AXIS, targets.astype('U')), distances=(Features.AXIS, distance), passes_threshold=(Features.AXIS, passes_filters))
[docs] @classmethod def synthetic_one_hot_codebook( cls, n_round: int, n_channel: int, n_codes: int, target_names: Optional[Sequence]=None ) -> "Codebook": """Generate codes where one channel is "on" in each imaging round Parameters ---------- n_round : int number of imaging rounds per code n_channel : int number of channels per code n_codes : int number of codes to generate target_names : Optional[List[str]] if provided, names for targets in codebook Examples -------- Create a Codebook with 2 rounds, 3 channels, and 2 codes :: >>> from starfish import Codebook >>> sd = Codebook.synthetic_one_hot_codebook(n_round=4, n_channel=3, n_codes=2) >>> sd.codebook() <xarray.Codebook (target: 2, r: 4, c: 3)> array([[[1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]], [[1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8) Coordinates: * target (target) object 6d7fff11-8905-4421-ab49-4f6d8ecdb4b7 \ 1f5f7087-0618-49fc-a6a5-82fee14360b3 * r (r) int64 0 1 2 3 * c (c) int64 0 1 2 Returns ------- List[Dict] : list of codewords """ codes: Set = set() while len(codes) < n_codes: codes.add(tuple([np.random.randint(0, n_channel) for _ in np.arange(n_round)])) # construct codewords from code codewords = [ [ { Axes.ROUND.value: h, Axes.CH.value: c, 'v': 1 } for h, c in enumerate(code) ] for code in codes ] # make a codebook from codewords if target_names is None: # use a reverse-sorted list of integers as codewords target_names = [uuid.uuid4() for _ in range(n_codes)] if n_codes != len(target_names): raise ValueError( f"n_codes ({n_codes} does not match the number of targets ({len(target_names)})") codebook = [{Features.CODEWORD: w, Features.TARGET: g} for w, g in zip(codewords, target_names)] return cls.from_code_array(codebook, n_round=n_round, n_channel=n_channel)