Spot-Based Decoding

Spot-based decoding is the approach of finding spots in images from each round first and then decoding them. The alternative, pixel-based decoding, decodes pixels first and then connects them into spots after.

Decoding Flowchart

Starfish provides multiple options for each component of spot-based decoding:

Spot Finding




Works in 3D

Finds Threshold

Finds Sigma

Anisotropic Sigma


Wrapper of classic kernel convolution blob detection algorithms in skimage.feature such as LoG, which uses the Laplacian of Gaussian filter


Wrapper of skimage.feature.peak_local_max, which finds local maxima pixel intensities in an image


Wrapper for trackpy.locate, which implements a version of the Crocker-Grier algorithm originally developed for particle tracking

BlobDetector and LocalMaxPeakFinder should usually be chosen over TrackpyLocalMaxPeakFinder, and BlobDetector should be favored over LocalMaxPeakFinder if you are unsure of the size of the spot and the spots are uniformly gaussian in shape. LocalMaxPeakFinder, by contrast, can help find the correct minimum peak intensity threshold. A demonstration of their differences can be found at the end of this tutorial.

Detected spots are returned in SpotFindingResults, which can be visually assessed before decoding.

Trace Building




Reference Image


Build traces for every detected spot by setting intensity values to zero for all rounds and channels the spot was not found in (i.e. every trace will have only 1 non-zero value)



Build traces by combining intensity values of spots from every rounds and channel in the exact same location as spots in reference_image



Build traces by combining intensity values of spots from rounds and channels nearest to the spots in the anchor_round

Not recommended; will have same result as EXACT_MATCH

The first step to decoding SpotFindingResults is identifying spots from different imaging rounds as the same spot. In starfish this is referred to as building traces and it transforms SpotFindingResults to an IntensityTable. Trace building is hidden in the DecodeSpotsAlgorithm but it requires the user to select a TraceBuildingStrategy. When to Use Each TraceBuildingStrategies. goes further in depth and shows how to build traces independent of the decoding step.

Spot Decoding




Works in 3D

Codebook Design


Returns Quality Score



Linearly multiplexed




One hot exponentially multiplexed

Sequential, Exact_Match or Nearest_Neighbor



Exponentially multiplexed

Exact_Match or Nearest_Neighbor

Starfish decoding is done by running a DecodeSpotsAlgorithm on SpotFindingResults to return a DecodedIntensityTable. PerRoundMaxChannel should generally be used rather than the the other two decoding algorithms if possible. MetricDistance is necessary for codebooks that contain codewords without exactly one hot channel in every round. This is used for error-robustness (e.g. MERFISH) and/or reducing optical crowding in each round.

Comparison of FindSpotsAlgorithm

This tutorial demonstrates usage and characteristics of the three available FindSpotsAlgorithm on 3-Dimensional STARmap images. Parameters were roughly tuned, but these results are not reflective of the best possible performance of each FindSpotsAlgorithm.

# load STARmap data
from starfish import data, display
from starfish.image import ApplyTransform, LearnTransform
from starfish.spots import FindSpots
from starfish.types import Axes
from starfish.util.plot import imshow_plane
from starfish.core.spots.DecodeSpots.trace_builders import build_spot_traces_exact_match

experiment = data.STARmap(use_test_data=True)
imgs = experiment['fov_000'].get_image('primary')

# register rounds
projection = imgs.reduce({Axes.CH, Axes.ZPLANE}, func="max")
reference_image = projection.sel({Axes.ROUND: 0})
ltt = LearnTransform.Translation(reference_stack=reference_image, axes=Axes.ROUND, upsampling=1000)
transforms =
warp = ApplyTransform.Warp()
imgs =, transforms_list=transforms)

# make reference round for decoding
dots = imgs.reduce({Axes.CH, Axes.ROUND}, func="max")

# view a cropped region of image for spot finding
imshow_plane(dots, sel={Axes.ZPLANE: 15,  Axes.X: (400, 600),  Axes.Y: (400, 600)})

The dots reference image shows spots are approximately 10 pixels in diameter and can be tightly packed together. This helped inform the parameter settings of the spot finders below. However, the accuracy can always be improved by further tuning parameters. For example, if low intensity background noise is being detected as spots, increasing values for threshold, stringency, min_mass, and percentile can remove them. If large spots are not missed, increasing values such as max_sigma, max_obj_area, spot_diameter, and max_size could include them. Moreover, signal enhancement and background reduction prior to this step can also improve accuracy of spot finding.

bd = FindSpots.BlobDetector(

lmp = FindSpots.LocalMaxPeakFinder(

tlmpf = FindSpots.TrackpyLocalMaxPeakFinder(

# crop imagestacks
crop_selection = {Axes.X: (300, 700), Axes.Y: (300, 700)}
cropped_imgs= imgs.sel(crop_selection)
cropped_dots = dots.sel(crop_selection)

# find spots on cropped images
bd_spots =, reference_image=cropped_dots)
lmp_spots =, reference_image=cropped_dots)
tlmpf_spots =, reference_image=cropped_dots)

# build spot traces into intensity table
bd_table = build_spot_traces_exact_match(bd_spots)
lmp_table = build_spot_traces_exact_match(lmp_spots)
tlmpf_table = build_spot_traces_exact_match(tlmpf_spots)

# plot spots found
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# get x, y coords and spot size from intensity table
def get_cropped_coords(table, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max):
    df = table.to_features_dataframe()
    df = df.loc[df['x'].between(x_min, x_max) & df['y'].between(y_min, y_max)]
    return df['x'].values-x_min, df['y'].values-y_min, df['radius'].values.astype(int)
bd_x, bd_y, bd_s = get_cropped_coords(bd_table, 200, 250, 200, 250)
lmp_x, lmp_y, lmp_s = get_cropped_coords(lmp_table, 200, 250, 200, 250)
tlmpf_x, tlmpf_y, tlmpf_s = get_cropped_coords(tlmpf_table, 200, 250, 200, 250)

matplotlib.rcParams["figure.dpi"] = 150
f, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(ncols=3)

# Plot cropped region of max z-projected dots image
imshow_plane(cropped_dots.reduce({Axes.ZPLANE}, func="max"), sel={Axes.X: (200, 250), Axes.Y: (200, 250)}, ax=ax1, title='BlobDetector')
imshow_plane(cropped_dots.reduce({Axes.ZPLANE}, func="max"), sel={Axes.X: (200, 250), Axes.Y: (200, 250)}, ax=ax2, title='LocalMaxPeak')
imshow_plane(cropped_dots.reduce({Axes.ZPLANE}, func="max"), sel={Axes.X: (200, 250), Axes.Y: (200, 250)}, ax=ax3, title='Trackpy')
# Overlay spots found by each FindSpotsAlgorithm
ax1.scatter(bd_x, bd_y, marker='o', facecolors='none', edgecolors='r', s=bd_s*10)
ax2.scatter(lmp_x, lmp_y, marker='o', facecolors='none', edgecolors='r', s=lmp_s*10)
ax3.scatter(tlmpf_x, tlmpf_y, marker='o', facecolors='none', edgecolors='r', s=tlmpf_s*10)

These images show BlobDetector is good at finding round Gaussian spots with separation from one another. However, multiple spots packed closely together may be detected as one large spot. LocalMaxPeakFinder and TrackpyLocalMaxPeakFinder are more sensitive to peaks of intensity, which allows them to detect multiple partially overlapping spots but also makes them more vulnerable to noise. Smoothing the image with a low band pass filter can mitigate that issue. The last thing to note is spots found by LocalMaxPeakFinder all have a radius of one, because unlike the other two algorithms it isn’t technically finding spots but just peaks of intensity.

The multi-dimensional spot finding results can also be viewed interactively with napari using the code below:

# uncomment to view with napari
# %gui qt
# BlobDetector
# viewer = display(stack=cropped_dots, spots=bd_table)

# LocalMaxPeakFinder
# display(stack=cropped_dots, spots=lmp_table)

# TrackpyLocalMaxPeakFinder
# display(stack=cropped_dots, spots=tlmpf_table)

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