Source code for starfish.core.experiment.experiment

import json
from typing import (

from semantic_version import Version
from slicedimage import Collection as collec
from slicedimage import TileSet
from import Reader, resolve_path_or_url, resolve_url
from slicedimage.urlpath import pathjoin

from starfish.core.codebook.codebook import Codebook
from starfish.core.config import StarfishConfig
from starfish.core.imagestack.imagestack import ImageStack
from starfish.core.imagestack.parser.crop import CropParameters
from starfish.core.spacetx_format import validate_sptx

_SINGLETON = object()

[docs]class FieldOfView: """ This encapsulates a field of view. It contains the primary image and auxiliary images that are associated with the field of view. All images can be accessed using :py:func:`~starfish.experiment.experiment.FieldOfView.get_image` with the name of the image type and any which rounds/chs/zplanes you want to include (if none are provided all are included) If the resulting tileset has unaligned tiles (their x/y coordinates do not all match) we return a list on ImageStacks where each stack represents an aligned group of tiles. The primary image is accessed using the name :py:attr:`~starfish.experiment.experiment.FieldOFView.PRIMARY_IMAGES`. Notes ----- Field of views obtain their primary image from a :py:class:`~slicedimage.TileSet`. They can obtain their auxiliary image dictionary from a dictionary of auxiliary image to :py:class:`~slicedimage.TileSet`. The decoding of :py:class:`~slicedimage.TileSet` to :py:class:`~starfish.imagestack.imagestack.ImageStack` does not happen until the image is accessed. ImageStacks can only be initialized with aligned tilesets, so if there are multiple you may need to iterate through the groups using :py:func:`~starfish.experiment.experiment.FieldOfView.get_images` and process each one individually. Be prepared to handle errors when images are accessed. Access a FieldOfView through Experiment. :py:func:`~starfish.experiment.experiment.Experiment.fov`. Attributes ---------- name : str The name of the FOV. image_types : Set[str] A set of all the image types. """ PRIMARY_IMAGES = 'primary' def __init__( self, name: str, image_tilesets: MutableMapping[str, TileSet] ) -> None: self._images: MutableMapping[str, TileSet] = dict() self._name = name self._images = image_tilesets def __repr__(self): images = '\n '.join( f'{k}: {v}' for k, v in self._images.items() if k != FieldOfView.PRIMARY_IMAGES ) return ( f"<starfish.FieldOfView>\n" f" Primary Image: {self._images[FieldOfView.PRIMARY_IMAGES]}\n" f" Auxiliary Images:\n" f" {images}" ) @property def name(self) -> str: return self._name @property def image_types(self) -> Set[str]: return set(self._images.keys())
[docs] def get_image(self, item: str, aligned_group: Any = _SINGLETON, rounds: Optional[Collection[int]] = None, chs: Optional[Collection[int]] = None, zplanes: Optional[Collection[int]] = None, x: Optional[Union[int, slice]] = None, y: Optional[Union[int, slice]] = None, ) -> ImageStack: """ Load into memory the first Imagestack representation of an aligned image group. If crop parameters provided, first crop the TileSet. Parameters ---------- item: str The name of the tileset ex. 'primary' or 'nuclei' rounds : Optional[Collection[int]] The rounds in the original dataset to load into the ImageStack. If this is not set, then all rounds are loaded into the ImageStack. chs : Optional[Collection[int]] The channels in the original dataset to load into the ImageStack. If this is not set, then all channels are loaded into the ImageStack. zplanes : Optional[Collection[int]] The z-layers in the original dataset to load into the ImageStack. If this is not set, then all z-layers are loaded into the ImageStack. x : Optional[Union[int, slice]] The x-range in the x-y tile that is loaded into the ImageStack. If this is not set, then the entire x-y tile is loaded into the ImageStack. y : Optional[Union[int, slice]] The y-range in the x-y tile that is loaded into the ImageStack. If this is not set, then the entire x-y tile is loaded into the ImageStack. Returns ------- ImageStack The instantiated image stack """ if aligned_group != _SINGLETON: raise RuntimeError("The parameter 'aligned_group` is no longer accepted. Please use" "FieldOfView.get_images() and provide sets of selected axes " "instead") stack_iterator = self.get_images(item=item, rounds=rounds, chs=chs, zplanes=zplanes, x=x, y=y) return next(stack_iterator)
[docs] def get_images(self, item: str, rounds: Optional[Collection[int]] = None, chs: Optional[Collection[int]] = None, zplanes: Optional[Collection[int]] = None, x: Optional[Union[int, slice]] = None, y: Optional[Union[int, slice]] = None, ) -> Iterator[ImageStack]: """ Load into memory the an iterator of aligned Imagestacks for the given tileset and selected axes. Parameters ---------- item: str The name of the tileset ex. 'primary' or 'nuclei' rounds : Optional[Collection[int]] The rounds in the original dataset to load into the ImageStack/s. If this is not set, then all rounds are loaded into the ImageStack. chs : Optional[Collection[int]] The channels in the original dataset to load into the ImageStac/s. If this is not set, then all channels are loaded into the ImageStack. zplanes : Optional[Collection[int]] The z-layers in the original dataset to load into the ImageStack/s. If this is not set, then all z-layers are loaded into the ImageStack. x : Optional[Union[int, slice]] The x-range in the x-y tile that is loaded into the ImageStack/s. If this is not set, then the entire x-y tile is loaded into the ImageStack. y : Optional[Union[int, slice]] The y-range in the x-y tile that is loaded into the ImageStack/s. If this is not set, then the entire x-y tile is loaded into the ImageStack. Returns ------- AlignedImageStackIterator The instantiated ImageStack or list of Imagestacks if the parameters given include multiple aligned groups. """ # Parse the tileset into aligned groups, only include tiles from selected axes. aligned_groups = CropParameters.parse_aligned_groups(self._images[item], rounds=rounds, chs=chs, zplanes=zplanes, x=x, y=y) aligned_stack_iterator = AlignedImageStackIterator(tileset=self._images[item], aligned_groups=aligned_groups) return aligned_stack_iterator
class AlignedImageStackIterator(Iterator[ImageStack]): """Iterator class of AlignedImageStacks.""" def __init__(self, tileset: TileSet, aligned_groups: List[CropParameters]): self.size = len(aligned_groups) self.aligned_groups = iter(aligned_groups) self.tileset = tileset def __len__(self) -> int: return self.size def __next__(self) -> ImageStack: aligned_group = next(self.aligned_groups) stack = ImageStack.from_tileset(self.tileset, aligned_group) return stack
[docs]class Experiment: """ Encapsulates an experiment, with one or more fields of view and a :py:class:`~starfish.codebook.codebook.Codebook`. An individual :py:class:`~starfish.experiment.experiment.FieldOfView` can be retrieved using a key, i.e., experiment[fov_name]. Attributes ---------- codebook : Codebook The codebook associated with this experiment. extras : Dict Returns the extras dictionary associated with this experiment. """ def __init__( self, fovs: Sequence[FieldOfView], codebook: Codebook, extras: dict, *, src_doc: dict=None, ) -> None: self._fovs = fovs self._codebook = codebook self._extras = extras self._src_doc = src_doc def __repr__(self): # truncate the list of fields of view if it is longer than print_n_fov print_n_fov = 4 n_fields_of_view = list(self.items())[:print_n_fov] fields_of_view_str = "\n".join( f'{k}: {v}' for k, v in n_fields_of_view ) # add an ellipsis if not all fields of view are being printed if len(self._fovs) > print_n_fov: fov_repr = f"{{\n{fields_of_view_str}\n ...,\n}}" else: fov_repr = f"{{\n{fields_of_view_str}\n}}" # return the formatted string object_repr = f"<starfish.Experiment (FOVs={len(self._fovs)})>\n" return object_repr + fov_repr
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, json_url: str) -> "Experiment": """ Construct an Experiment from an experiment.json file format specifier. Loads configuration from StarfishConfig. Parameters ---------- json_url : str file path or web link to an experiment.json file Returns ------- Experiment : Experiment object serving the requested experiment data """ config = StarfishConfig() if config.strict: valid = validate_sptx.validate(json_url) if not valid: raise Exception("validation failed") backend, name, baseurl = resolve_path_or_url(json_url, config.slicedimage) with backend.read_contextmanager(name) as fh: experiment_document = json.load(fh) version = cls.verify_version(experiment_document['version']) _, codebook_name, codebook_baseurl = resolve_url(experiment_document['codebook'], baseurl, config.slicedimage) codebook_absolute_url = pathjoin(codebook_baseurl, codebook_name) codebook = Codebook.open_json(codebook_absolute_url) extras = experiment_document['extras'] fovs: MutableSequence[FieldOfView] = list() fov_tilesets: MutableMapping[str, TileSet] if version < Version("5.0.0"): primary_image: collec = Reader.parse_doc(experiment_document['primary_images'], baseurl, config.slicedimage) auxiliary_images: MutableMapping[str, collec] = dict() for aux_image_type, aux_image_url in experiment_document['auxiliary_images'].items(): auxiliary_images[aux_image_type] = Reader.parse_doc( aux_image_url, baseurl, config.slicedimage) for fov_name, primary_tileset in primary_image.all_tilesets(): fov_tilesets = dict() fov_tilesets[FieldOfView.PRIMARY_IMAGES] = primary_tileset for aux_image_type, aux_image_collection in auxiliary_images.items(): aux_image_tileset = aux_image_collection.find_tileset(fov_name) if aux_image_tileset is not None: fov_tilesets[aux_image_type] = aux_image_tileset fov = FieldOfView(fov_name, image_tilesets=fov_tilesets) fovs.append(fov) else: images: MutableMapping[str, collec] = dict() all_fov_names: MutableSet[str] = set() for image_type, image_url in experiment_document['images'].items(): image = Reader.parse_doc(image_url, baseurl, config.slicedimage) images[image_type] = image for fov_name, _ in image.all_tilesets(): all_fov_names.add(fov_name) for fov_name in all_fov_names: fov_tilesets = dict() for image_type, image_collection in images.items(): image_tileset = image_collection.find_tileset(fov_name) if image_tileset is not None: fov_tilesets[image_type] = image_tileset fov = FieldOfView(fov_name, image_tilesets=fov_tilesets) fovs.append(fov) return Experiment(fovs, codebook, extras, src_doc=experiment_document)
[docs] @classmethod def verify_version(cls, semantic_version_str: str) -> Version: """Verifies the compatibility of the current starfish version with the experiment version""" version = Version(semantic_version_str) if not (MIN_SUPPORTED_VERSION <= version <= MAX_SUPPORTED_VERSION): raise ValueError( f"version {version} not supported. This version of the starfish library only " f"supports formats from {MIN_SUPPORTED_VERSION} to " f"{MAX_SUPPORTED_VERSION}") return version
[docs] def fov( self, filter_fn: Callable[[FieldOfView], bool]=lambda _: True, key_fn: Callable[[FieldOfView], str]=lambda fov:, ) -> FieldOfView: """ Given a callable filter_fn, apply it to all the FOVs in this experiment. Parameters ---------- filter_fn : Callable Filter to apply to the list of FOVs key_fn : Callable The key that determines the order of filtered FOVs, default Returns ------- FieldOfView The first FOV that fulfills the filter parameters. Raises ------ LookupError : If no FOV matches """ for fov in sorted(self._fovs, key=key_fn): if filter_fn(fov): return fov raise LookupError("Cannot find any FOV that the filter allows.")
[docs] def fovs( self, filter_fn: Callable[[FieldOfView], bool]=lambda _: True, key_fn: Callable[[FieldOfView], str]=lambda fov:, ) -> Sequence[FieldOfView]: """ Given a callable filter_fn, apply it to all the FOVs in this experiment. Parameters ---------- filter_fn : Callable Filter to apply to the list of FOVs key_fn : Callable The key that determines the order of filtered FOVs, default Returns ------- Sequence[FieldOfView] All fovs that pass the filter function. """ results: MutableSequence[FieldOfView] = list() for fov in self._fovs: if not filter_fn(fov): continue results.append(fov) results = sorted(results, key=key_fn) return results
[docs] def fovs_by_name( self, *names, ) -> Sequence[FieldOfView]: """ Given a name or set of names, return all fovs that match. Parameters ---------- names : str The fov names to search for. Returns ------- Sequence[FieldOfView] All fovs that match the given names. """ return self.fovs(filter_fn=lambda fov: in names)
def __getitem__(self, item): fovs = self.fovs_by_name(item) if len(fovs) == 0: raise IndexError(f"No field of view with name \"{item}\"") return fovs[0]
[docs] def keys(self): """Return all fov names in the experiment""" return ( for fov in self.fovs())
[docs] def values(self): """Return all FieldOfViews in the experiment""" return (fov for fov in self.fovs())
[docs] def items(self): """Return all names and fovs in the experiment""" return ((, fov) for fov in self.fovs())
@property def codebook(self) -> Codebook: return self._codebook @property def extras(self): return self._extras