Source code for starfish.core.imagestack.imagestack

import collections
import os
import warnings
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from copy import deepcopy
from functools import partial
from itertools import product
from pathlib import PurePath
from threading import Lock
from typing import (

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
from skimage import img_as_float32
from slicedimage import (
from import resolve_path_or_url
from tqdm import tqdm

from starfish.core.config import StarfishConfig
from starfish.core.errors import DataFormatWarning, DeprecatedAPIError
from starfish.core.experiment.builder.providers import TileFetcher
from starfish.core.imagestack import indexing_utils
from starfish.core.imagestack.parser import TileCollectionData, TileKey
from starfish.core.imagestack.parser.crop import CropParameters, CroppedTileCollectionData
from starfish.core.imagestack.parser.numpy import NumpyData
from starfish.core.imagestack.parser.tileset import TileSetData
from starfish.core.types import (
from starfish.core.util.levels import levels
from starfish.core.util.logging import Log
from .dataorder import AXES_DATA, N_AXES

[docs] class ImageStack: """ ImageStacks are the main objects for processing images in starfish. It is a 5-dimensional Image Tensor that labels each (z, y, x) tile with the round and channel and zplane it corresponds to. The class is a wrapper around :py:class:`xarray.DataArray`. The names of each imaging r/ch/zplane as well as the physical coordinates of each tile are stored as coordinates on the :py:class:`xarray.DataArray`. ImageStacks can only be initialized with aligned Tilesets. Loads configuration from StarfishConfig. Attributes ---------- num_chs : int the number of channels stored in the image tensor num_rounds : int the number of imaging rounds stored in the image tensor num_zplanes : int the number of z-layers stored in the image tensor xarray : :py:class:`xarray.DataArray` the 5-d image tensor is stored in this array raw_shape : Tuple[int] the shape of the image tensor (in integers) shape : Dict[str, int] the shape of the image tensor by categorical index (channels, imaging rounds, z-layers) """ def __init__(self, data: xr.DataArray, tile_data: TileCollectionData): self._data = data self._data_loaded = False self._tile_data = tile_data self._log: Log = Log() @classmethod def from_tile_collection_data(cls, tile_data: TileCollectionData) -> "ImageStack": axes_sizes = { Axes.ROUND: len(set(tilekey.round for tilekey in tile_data.keys())), Axes.CH: len(set( for tilekey in tile_data.keys())), Axes.ZPLANE: len(set(tilekey.z for tilekey in tile_data.keys())), } data_shape: MutableSequence[int] = [] data_dimensions: MutableSequence[str] = [] data_tick_marks: MutableMapping[Hashable, Sequence[int]] = dict() for ix in range(N_AXES): size_for_axis: Optional[int] = None dim_for_axis: Optional[Axes] = None for axis_name, axis_data in AXES_DATA.items(): if ix == axis_data.order: size_for_axis = axes_sizes[axis_name] dim_for_axis = axis_name break if size_for_axis is None or dim_for_axis is None: raise ValueError( f"Could not find entry for the {ix}th axis in AXES_DATA") data_shape.append(size_for_axis) data_dimensions.append(dim_for_axis.value) data_tick_marks[dim_for_axis.value] = list( sorted(set(tilekey[dim_for_axis] for tilekey in tile_data.keys()))) data_shape.extend([tile_data.tile_shape[Axes.Y], tile_data.tile_shape[Axes.X]]) data_dimensions.extend([Axes.Y.value, Axes.X.value]) # now that we know the tile data type (kind and size), we can allocate the data array. np_array = np.empty(shape=data_shape, dtype=np.float32) data = xr.DataArray( np_array, dims=data_dimensions, coords=data_tick_marks, ) imagestack = ImageStack(data, tile_data) all_selectors = list(imagestack._iter_axes({Axes.ROUND, Axes.CH, Axes.ZPLANE})) first_selector = all_selectors[0] first_tile = tile_data.get_tile( r=first_selector[Axes.ROUND], ch=first_selector[Axes.CH], z=first_selector[Axes.ZPLANE]) # Set up coordinates imagestack._data[Coordinates.X.value] = xr.DataArray( first_tile.coordinates[Coordinates.X], dims=Axes.X.value) imagestack._data[Coordinates.Y.value] = xr.DataArray( first_tile.coordinates[Coordinates.Y], dims=Axes.Y.value) # Fill with nan for now, then replace with calculated midpoints imagestack._data[Coordinates.Z.value] = xr.DataArray( np.full(imagestack._data.sizes[Axes.ZPLANE.value], np.nan), dims=Axes.ZPLANE.value) for selector in all_selectors: tile = tile_data.get_tile( r=selector[Axes.ROUND], ch=selector[Axes.CH], z=selector[Axes.ZPLANE]) if not ( np.array_equal( first_tile.coordinates[Coordinates.X], tile.coordinates[Coordinates.X]) and np.array_equal( first_tile.coordinates[Coordinates.Y], tile.coordinates[Coordinates.Y]) ): raise ValueError("Tiles must be aligned") if Coordinates.Z in tile.coordinates: assert len(tile.coordinates[Coordinates.Z]) == 1 imagestack._data[Coordinates.Z.value].loc[selector[Axes.ZPLANE]] = \ tile.coordinates[Coordinates.Z][0] return imagestack @staticmethod def _validate_data_dtype_and_range(data: np.ndarray) -> None: """verify that data is of dtype float32 and in range [0, 1]""" if data.dtype != np.float32: raise TypeError( f"ImageStack data must be of type float32, not {data.dtype}. Please convert data " f"using skimage.img_as_float32 prior to calling set_slice." ) if np.min(data) < 0 or np.max(data) > 1: raise ValueError( "ImageStack data must be of type float32 and in the range [0, 1]. Please convert " "data using skimage.img_as_float32 prior to calling set_slice." ) def _ensure_data_loaded(self) -> "ImageStack": """Loads the data into the imagestack object. All operations should automatically call this before operating on the data. """ if self._data_loaded: return self all_selectors = list(self._iter_axes({Axes.ROUND, Axes.CH, Axes.ZPLANE})) pbar = tqdm(total=len(all_selectors)) lock = Lock() def load_by_selector(selector): tile = self._tile_data.get_tile( r=selector[Axes.ROUND], ch=selector[Axes.CH], z=selector[Axes.ZPLANE]) data = tile.numpy_array tile_dtype = data.dtype data = img_as_float32(data) with lock: # setting data is not thread-safe. self.set_slice(selector=selector, data=data, from_loader=True) pbar.update(1) return tile_dtype if len(self._tile_data.group_by) == 0: with ThreadPoolExecutor() as tpe: # gather all the data types of the tiles to ensure that they are compatible. tile_dtypes = set(, all_selectors)) else: tile_dtypes = set() group_by_selectors = list(self._iter_axes(self._tile_data.group_by)) non_group_by_selectors = list(self._iter_axes( {Axes.ROUND, Axes.CH, Axes.ZPLANE} - self._tile_data.group_by)) for group_by_selector in group_by_selectors: for non_group_by_selector in non_group_by_selectors: tile_dtypes.add(load_by_selector( {**group_by_selector, **non_group_by_selector})) pbar.close() tile_dtype_kinds = set(tile_dtype.kind for tile_dtype in tile_dtypes) tile_dtype_sizes = set(tile_dtype.itemsize for tile_dtype in tile_dtypes) if len(tile_dtype_kinds) != 1: raise TypeError("All tiles should have the same kind of dtype") if len(tile_dtype_sizes) != 1: warnings.warn("Not all tiles have the same precision data", DataFormatWarning) self._data_loaded = True return self def __repr__(self): shape = ', '.join(f'{k}: {v}' for k, v in self._data.sizes.items()) return f"<starfish.ImageStack ({shape})>"
[docs] @classmethod def from_tileset( cls, tileset: TileSet, crop_parameters: Optional[CropParameters]=None, ) -> "ImageStack": """ Parse a :py:class:`slicedimage.TileSet` into an ImageStack. Parameters ---------- tileset : TileSet The tileset to parse. crop_parameters : Optional[CropParameters] Returns ------- ImageStack : An ImageStack representing encapsulating the data from the TileSet. """ tile_data: TileCollectionData = TileSetData(tileset) if crop_parameters is not None: tile_data = CroppedTileCollectionData(tile_data, crop_parameters) return ImageStack.from_tile_collection_data(tile_data)
[docs] @classmethod def from_tilefetcher( cls, tilefetcher: TileFetcher, tile_shape: Mapping[Axes, int], fov: int, rounds: Sequence[int], chs: Sequence[int], zplanes: Sequence[int], group_by: Optional[Collection[Axes]] = None, crop_parameters: Optional[CropParameters]=None, ) -> "ImageStack": """ Parse a :py:class:`.TileFetcher` into an ImageStack. Parameters ---------- tilefetcher : TileFetcher The tilefetcher to parse. tile_shape : Mapping[Axes, int] Mapping from the axis type to the cardinality of that axis. fov : int The fov number to retrieve from the TileFetcher to constitute this ImageStack. rounds : Sequence[int] The rounds to include in this ImageStack. chs : Sequence[int] The channels to include in this ImageStack. zplanes : Sequence[int] The zplanes to include in this ImageStack. group_by : Optional[Set[Axes]] Axes to load the data by. If an axis is present in this list, all the data for a given value along that axis will be loaded concurrently. For example, if group_by is (Axes.ROUND, Axes.CH), then all the data for ROUND=2, CH=1 will be loaded before we progress to ROUND=3, CH=1. crop_parameters : Optional[CropParameters] If cropping of the data is desired, it should be specified here. Returns ------- ImageStack : An ImageStack representing encapsulating the data from the TileFetcher. """ from starfish.core.imagestack.parser.tilefetcher import TileFetcherData tile_data: TileCollectionData = TileFetcherData( tilefetcher, tile_shape, fov, rounds, chs, zplanes, group_by) if crop_parameters is not None: tile_data = CroppedTileCollectionData(tile_data, crop_parameters) return ImageStack.from_tile_collection_data(tile_data)
[docs] @classmethod def from_url(cls, url: str, baseurl: Optional[str], aligned_group: int = 0): """ Constructs an ImageStack object from a URL and a base URL. The following examples will all load from the same location: - url: baseurl: None - url: baseurl: I_am_ignored - url: primary_images.json baseurl: - url: images/primary_images.json baseurl: Parameters ---------- url : str Either an absolute URL or a relative URL referring to the image to be read. baseurl : Optional[str] If url is a relative URL, then this must be provided. If url is an absolute URL, then this parameter is ignored. aligned_group: int Which aligned tile group to load into the Imagestack, only applies if the tileset is unaligned. Default 0 (the first group) Returns ------- ImageStack : An ImageStack representing encapsulating the data from the TileSet. """ config = StarfishConfig() tileset = Reader.parse_doc(url, baseurl, backend_config=config.slicedimage) coordinate_groups = CropParameters.parse_aligned_groups(tileset) crop_params = coordinate_groups[aligned_group] return cls.from_tileset(tileset, crop_parameters=crop_params)
[docs] @classmethod def from_path_or_url(cls, url_or_path: str, aligned_group: int = 0) -> "ImageStack": """ Constructs an ImageStack object from an absolute URL or a filesystem path. The following examples will all load from the same location: - url_or_path: file:///Users/starfish-user/images/primary_images.json - url_or_path: /Users/starfish-user/images/primary_images.json Parameters ---------- url_or_path : str Either an absolute URL or a filesystem path to an imagestack. aligned_group: int Which aligned tile group to load into the Imagestack, only applies if the tileset is unaligned. Default 0 (the first group) """ config = StarfishConfig() _, relativeurl, baseurl = resolve_path_or_url(url_or_path, backend_config=config.slicedimage) return cls.from_url(relativeurl, baseurl, aligned_group)
[docs] @classmethod def from_numpy( cls, array: np.ndarray, index_labels: Optional[Mapping[Axes, Sequence[int]]]=None, coordinates: Optional[Mapping[Coordinates, ArrayLike[Number]]]=None, ) -> "ImageStack": """Create an ImageStack from a 5d numpy array with shape (n_round, n_ch, n_z, y, x) Parameters ---------- array : np.ndarray 5-d tensor of shape (n_round, n_ch, n_z, y, x) index_labels : Optional[Mapping[Axes, Sequence[int]]] Mapping from axes (r, ch, z) to their labels. If this is not provided, then the axes will be labeled from 0..(n-1), where n=the size of the axes. coordinates : Optional[Mapping[Coordinates, ArrayLike[Number]]] Map from Coordinates to a sequence of coordinate values. If this is not provided, then the ImageStack gets fake coordinates. Returns ------- ImageStack : array data stored as an ImageStack """ if len(array.shape) != 5: raise ValueError('a 5-d tensor with shape (n_round, n_ch, n_z, y, x) must be provided.') try: cls._validate_data_dtype_and_range(array) except TypeError: warnings.warn(f"ImageStack detected as {array.dtype}. Converting to float32...") array = img_as_float32(array) n_round, n_ch, n_z, height, width = array.shape if index_labels is None: index_labels = { Axes.ROUND: list(range(n_round)), Axes.CH: list(range(n_ch)), Axes.ZPLANE: list(range(n_z)), } else: assert len(index_labels[Axes.ROUND]) == n_round assert len(index_labels[Axes.CH]) == n_ch assert len(index_labels[Axes.ZPLANE]) == n_z if coordinates is not None: assert len(coordinates[Coordinates.X]) == width assert len(coordinates[Coordinates.Y]) == height assert len(coordinates[Coordinates.Z]) == n_z tile_data = NumpyData(array, index_labels, coordinates) return ImageStack.from_tile_collection_data(tile_data)
@property def xarray(self) -> xr.DataArray: """Retrieves the image data as an :py:class:`xarray.DataArray`""" self._ensure_data_loaded() return self._data
[docs] def sel(self, indexers: Mapping[Axes, Union[int, slice, Sequence]]): """Given a dictionary mapping the index name to either a value or a range represented as a tuple, return an Imagestack with each dimension indexed accordingly Parameters ---------- indexers : Mapping[Axes, Union[int, Union[int, Sequence]] A dictionary of dim:index where index is the value, values, or range to index the dimension Examples -------- Create an Imagestack :py:func:`~starfish.imagestack.imagestack.ImageStack.synthetic_stack` >>> from starfish import ImageStack >>> from starfish.core.imagestack.test.factories import synthetic_stack >>> from starfish.types import Axes >>> stack = synthetic_stack(5, 5, 15, 200, 200) >>> stack <starfish.ImageStack (r: 5, c: 5, z: 15, y: 200, x: 200)> >>> stack.sel({Axes.ROUND: (1, None), Axes.CH: 0, Axes.ZPLANE: 0}) <starfish.ImageStack (r: 4, c: 1, z: 1, y: 200, x: 200)> >>> stack.sel({Axes.ROUND: 0, Axes.CH: 0, Axes.ZPLANE: 1, ...Axes.Y: 100, Axes.X: (None, 100)}) <starfish.ImageStack (r: 1, c: 1, z: 1, y: 1, x: 100)> and the imagestack's physical coordinates xarray also indexed and recalculated according to the x,y slicing. Returns ------- ImageStack : a new image stack indexed by given value or range. """ self._ensure_data_loaded() stack = deepcopy(self) selector = indexing_utils.convert_to_selector(indexers) stack._data = indexing_utils.index_keep_dimensions(self.xarray, selector) return stack
[docs] def isel(self, indexers: Mapping[Axes, Union[int, Sequence]]): """Given a dictionary mapping the index name to either a value or a range represented as a tuple, return an Imagestack with each dimension indexed by position accordingly Parameters ---------- indexers : Dict[Axes, Union[int, Sequence]] A dictionary of dim:index where index is the value, values, or range to index the dimension Examples -------- Create an Imagestack using the ``synthetic_stack`` method >>> from starfish import ImageStack >>> from starfish.types import Axes >>> stack = ImageStack.synthetic_stack(5, 5, 15, 200, 200) >>> stack <starfish.ImageStack (r: 5, c: 5, z: 15, y: 200, x: 200)> >>> stack.isel({Axes.ROUND: (1, None), Axes.CH: 0, Axes.ZPLANE: 0}) <starfish.ImageStack (r: 4, c: 1, z: 1, y: 200, x: 200)> >>> stack.isel({Axes.ROUND: 0, Axes.CH: 0, Axes.ZPLANE: 1, ...Axes.Y: 100, Axes.X: (None, 100)}) <starfish.ImageStack (r: 1, c: 1, z: 1, y: 1, x: 100)> and the imagestack's physical coordinates xarray also indexed and recalculated according to the x,y slicing. Returns ------- ImageStack : a new image stack indexed by given value or range. """ stack = deepcopy(self) selector = indexing_utils.convert_to_selector(indexers) stack._data = indexing_utils.index_keep_dimensions(self.xarray, selector, by_pos=True) return stack
[docs] def sel_by_physical_coords( self, indexers: Mapping[Coordinates, CoordinateValue]): """ Given a dictionary mapping the coordinate name to either a value or a range represented as a tuple, return an Imagestack with each the Coordinate dimension indexed accordingly. Parameters ---------- indexers : Mapping[Coordinates, CoordinateValue]: A dictionary of coord:index where index is the value or range to index the coordinate dimension. Returns ------- ImageStack : a new image stack indexed by given value or range. """ new_indexers = indexing_utils.convert_coords_to_indices(self.xarray, indexers) return self.isel(new_indexers)
[docs] def get_slice( self, selector: Mapping[Axes, Union[int, slice]] ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, Sequence[Axes]]: """ Given a dictionary mapping the index name to either a value or a slice range, return a numpy array representing the slice, and a list of the remaining axes beyond the normal x-y tile. Examples -------- Slicing with a scalar >>> from starfish import ImageStack >>> from starfish.core.imagestack.test.factories import synthetic_stack >>> from starfish.types import Axes >>> stack = synthetic_stack(3, 4, 5, 20, 10) >>> stack.shape OrderedDict([(<Axes.ROUND: 'r'>, 3), (<Axes.CH: 'c'>, 4), (<Axes.ZPLANE: 'z'>, 5), ('y', 20), ('x', 10)]) >>> stack.axis_labels(Axes.ROUND) [0, 1, 2] >>> stack.axis_labels(Axes.CH) [0, 1, 2, 3] >>> stack.axis_labels(Axes.ZPLANE) [2, 3, 4, 5, 6] >>> data, axes = stack.get_slice({Axes.ZPLANE: 6}) >>> data.shape (3, 4, 20, 10) >>> axes [<Axes.ROUND: 'r'>, <Axes.CH: 'c'>] Slicing with a range >>> from starfish import ImageStack >>> from starfish.core.imagestack.test.factories import synthetic_stack >>> from starfish.types import Axes >>> stack = synthetic_stack(3, 4, 5, 20, 10) >>> stack.shape OrderedDict([(<Axes.ROUND: 'r'>, 3), (<Axes.CH: 'c'>, 4), (<Axes.ZPLANE: 'z'>, 5), ('y', 20), ('x', 10)]) >>> stack.axis_labels(Axes.ROUND) [0, 1, 2] >>> stack.axis_labels(Axes.CH) [0, 1, 2, 3] >>> stack.axis_labels(Axes.ZPLANE) [2, 3, 4, 5, 6] >>> data, axes = stack.get_slice({Axes.ZPLANE: 5, Axes.CH: slice(2, 4)}) >>> data.shape (3, 2, 20, 10) >>> axes [<Axes.ROUND: 'r'>, <Axes.CH: 'c'>] """ formatted_indexers = indexing_utils.convert_to_selector(selector) _, axes = self._build_slice_list(selector) result = self.xarray.sel(formatted_indexers).values if result.dtype != np.float32: warnings.warn( f"Non-float32 dtype: {result.dtype} detected. Data has likely been set using " f"private attributes of ImageStack. ImageStack only supports float data in the " f"range [0, 1]. Many algorithms will not function properly if provided other " f"DataTypes. See:") return result, axes
[docs] def set_slice( self, selector: Mapping[Axes, Union[int, slice]], data: np.ndarray, axes: Optional[Sequence[Axes]]=None, from_loader: bool = False, ): """ Given a dictionary mapping the index name to either a value or a slice range and a source numpy array, set the slice of the array of this ImageStack to the values in the source numpy array. Consumers of this API should not be aware of the internal order of the axes in ImageStack. As a result, they should be explicitly providing the order of the axes of the numpy array. This method will reorder the data to the internal order of the axes in ImageStack before writing it. Parameters ---------- selector : Mapping[Axes, Union[int, slice]] The slice of the data we are writing with this operation. Each index should map to a value or a range. If the index is not present, we are writing to the entire range along that index. data : np.ndarray a 2- to 5-D numpy array containing the source data for the operation whose last two axes must be in (Y, X) order. If data larger than 2-D is provided, axes must be set to specify the order of the additional axes (see below). axes : Optional[Sequence[Axes]] The order of the axes for the source data, excluding (Y, X). Optional ONLY if data is a (Y, X) 2-d tile. Examples -------- Setting a slice indicated by scalars. >>> import numpy as np >>> from starfish import ImageStack >>> from starfish.core.imagestack.test.factories import synthetic_stack >>> from starfish.types import Axes >>> stack = synthetic_stack(3, 4, 5, 20, 10) >>> stack.shape OrderedDict([(<Axes.ROUND: 'r'>, 3), (<Axes.CH: 'c'>, 4), (<Axes.ZPLANE: 'z'>, 5), ('y', 20), ('x', 10)]) >>> new_data = np.zeros((3, 4, 10, 20), dtype=np.float32) >>> stack.set_slice(new_data, axes=[Axes.ROUND, Axes.CH] Setting a slice indicated by scalars. The data presented has a different axis order than the previous example. >>> import numpy as np >>> from starfish import ImageStack >>> from starfish.core.imagestack.test.factories import synthetic_stack >>> from starfish.types import Axes >>> stack = synthetic_stack(3, 4, 5, 20, 10) >>> stack.shape OrderedDict([(<Axes.ROUND: 'r'>, 3), (<Axes.CH: 'c'>, 4), (<Axes.ZPLANE: 'z'>, 5), ('y', 20), ('x', 10)]) >>> new_data = np.zeros((4, 3, 10, 20), dtype=np.float32) >>> stack.set_slice(new_data, axes=[Axes.CH, Axes.ROUND] Setting a slice indicated by a range. >>> from starfish import ImageStack >>> from starfish.core.imagestack.test.factories import synthetic_stack >>> from starfish.types import Axes >>> stack = synthetic_stack(3, 4, 5, 20, 10) >>> stack.shape OrderedDict([(<Axes.ROUND: 'r'>, 3), (<Axes.CH: 'c'>, 4), (<Axes.ZPLANE: 'z'>, 5), ('y', 20), ('x', 10)]) >>> new_data = np.zeros((3, 2, 10, 20), dtype=np.float32) >>> stack.set_slice({Axes.ZPLANE: 5, Axes.CH: slice(2, 4)}, new_data) """ if not from_loader: self._ensure_data_loaded() self._validate_data_dtype_and_range(data) slice_list, expected_axes = self._build_slice_list(selector) if axes is None: axes = list() if len(axes) != len(data.shape) - 2: raise ValueError( "data shape ({}) should be the axes ({}) and (Y,X).".format(data.shape, axes)) move_src = list() move_dst = list() for src_idx, axis in enumerate(axes): try: dst_idx = expected_axes.index(axis) except ValueError: raise ValueError( "Unexpected axis {}. Expecting only {}.".format(axis, expected_axes)) if src_idx != dst_idx: move_src.append(src_idx) move_dst.append(dst_idx) if len(move_src) != 0: data = np.moveaxis(data, move_src, move_dst) if self._data.loc[slice_list].shape != data.shape: raise ValueError("source shape {} mismatches destination shape {}".format( data.shape, self._data[slice_list].shape)) self._data.loc[slice_list] = data
@staticmethod def _build_slice_list( selector: Mapping[Axes, Union[int, slice]] ) -> Tuple[Tuple[Union[int, slice], ...], Sequence[Axes]]: slice_list: MutableSequence[Union[int, slice]] = [ slice(None, None, None) for _ in range(N_AXES) ] axes = [] removed_axes = set() for name, value in selector.items(): idx = AXES_DATA[name].order if not isinstance(value, slice): removed_axes.add(name) slice_list[idx] = value for dimension_value, dimension_name in sorted([ (dimension_value.order, dimension_name) for dimension_name, dimension_value in AXES_DATA.items() ]): if dimension_name not in removed_axes: axes.append(dimension_name) return tuple(slice_list), axes def _iter_axes(self, axes: Optional[Set[Axes]] = None) -> Iterator[Mapping[Axes, int]]: """Iterate over provided axes. Parameters ---------- axes : Set[Axes] The set of Axes to be iterated over (default={Axes.ROUND, Axes.CH}). Yields ------ Dict[str, int] Mapping of axis name to index """ if axes is None: axes = {Axes.ROUND, Axes.CH} ordered_axes = list(axes) ranges = [self.axis_labels(ind) for ind in ordered_axes] for items in product(*ranges): a = zip(ordered_axes, items) yield {ind: val for (ind, val) in a}
[docs] def apply( self, func: Callable, *args, group_by: Optional[Set[Axes]] = None, in_place=False, verbose: bool = False, n_processes: Optional[int] = None, level_method: Levels = Levels.CLIP, **kwargs ) -> Optional["ImageStack"]: """Split the image along a set of axes and apply a function across all the components. This function should yield data of the same dimensionality as the input components. These resulting components are then constituted into an ImageStack and returned. Parameters ---------- func : Callable Function to apply. must expect a first argument which is a 2d or 3d numpy array and return an array of the same shape. group_by : Set[Axes] Axes to split the data along. `ex. splitting a 2D array (axes: X, Y; size: 3, 4) by X results in 3 arrays of size 4. (default {Axes.ROUND, Axes.CH, Axes.ZPLANE})` in_place : bool If True, function is executed in place and returns None. If false, a new ImageStack object will be produced. (Default False) verbose : bool If True, report on the percentage completed (default = False) during processing n_processes : Optional[int] The number of processes to use for apply. If None, uses the output of os.cpu_count() (default = None). kwargs : dict Additional arguments to pass to func level_method : :py:class:`~starfish.types.Levels` Controls the way that data are scaled to retain skimage dtype requirements that float data fall in [0, 1]. In all modes, data below 0 are set to 0. - Levels.CLIP (default): data above 1 are set to 1. - Levels.SCALE_SATURATED_BY_IMAGE: when any data in the entire ImageStack is greater than 1, the entire ImageStack is scaled by the maximum value in the ImageStack. - Levels.SCALE_SATURATED_BY_CHUNK: when any data in any slice is greater than 1, each slice is scaled by the maximum value found in that slice. The slice shapes are determined by the ``group_by`` parameters. - Levels.SCALE_BY_IMAGE: scale the entire ImageStack by the maximum value in the ImageStack. - Levels.SCALE_BY_CHUNK: scale each slice by the maximum value found in that slice. The slice shapes are determined by the ``group_by`` parameters. Returns ------- ImageStack : If inplace is False, return a new ImageStack, otherwise return a reference to the original stack with data modified by application of func Raises ------ TypeError : If no Clip method given. """ # default grouping is by (x, y) tile if group_by is None: group_by = {Axes.ROUND, Axes.CH, Axes.ZPLANE} if not in_place: # create a copy of the ImageStack, call apply on that stack with in_place=True image_stack = deepcopy(self) image_stack.apply( func, *args, group_by=group_by, in_place=True, verbose=verbose, n_processes=n_processes, level_method=level_method, **kwargs ) return image_stack # Add a wrapper to the function to be applied. This wrapper will grab control after the # function has been applied and perform per-chunk transformations like clip and # scale-by-chunk. Scaling across an entire ImageStack is performed after all the chunks are # returned. bound_func = partial(ImageStack._in_place_apply, func, level_method=level_method) # execute the processing workflow self.transform( bound_func, *args, group_by=group_by, verbose=verbose, n_processes=n_processes, **kwargs) # scale based on values of whole image if level_method == Levels.SCALE_BY_IMAGE: self._data.values = levels(self._data.values, rescale=True) elif level_method == Levels.SCALE_SATURATED_BY_IMAGE: self._data.values = levels(self._data.values, rescale_saturated=True) return None
@staticmethod def _in_place_apply( apply_func: Callable[..., xr.DataArray], data: np.ndarray, *args, level_method: Levels, **kwargs ) -> None: result = apply_func(data, *args, **kwargs) if level_method == Levels.CLIP: data[:] = levels(result) elif level_method == Levels.SCALE_BY_CHUNK: data[:] = levels(result, rescale=True) elif level_method == Levels.SCALE_SATURATED_BY_CHUNK: data[:] = levels(result, rescale_saturated=True) else: data[:] = result
[docs] def transform( self, func: Callable, *args, group_by: Optional[Set[Axes]] = None, verbose=False, n_processes: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs ) -> List[Any]: """Split the image along a set of axes, and apply a function across all the components. Parameters ---------- func : Callable Function to apply. must expect a first argument which is a numpy array (see group_by) but may return any object type. group_by : Set[Axes] Axes to split the data along. For instance, splitting a 2D array (axes: X, Y; size: 3, 4) by X results in 3 arrays of size 4. (default {Axes.ROUND, Axes.CH, Axes.ZPLANE}) verbose : bool If True, report on the percentage completed (default = False) during processing n_processes : Optional[int] The number of processes to use for apply. If None, uses the output of os.cpu_count() (default = None). kwargs : dict Additional arguments to pass to func being applied Returns ------- List[Any] : The results of applying func to stored image data """ self._ensure_data_loaded() # default grouping is by (x, y) tile if group_by is None: group_by = {Axes.ROUND, Axes.CH, Axes.ZPLANE} if n_processes is None: n_processes = os.cpu_count() selectors = list(self._iter_axes(group_by)) if verbose and StarfishConfig().verbose: selectors = tqdm(selectors) mp_applyfunc: Callable = partial( self._processing_workflow, func, self.xarray, args, kwargs, ) with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=n_processes) as tpe: results =, selectors) # Note: results is [None, ...] if executing an in-place workflow # Note: this return must be inside the context manager or the Pool will deadlock return list(zip(results, selectors))
@staticmethod def _processing_workflow( worker_callable: Callable[[np.ndarray], Any], data_array: xr.DataArray, args: Sequence, kwargs: Mapping, selectors: Mapping[Axes, int], ): formatted_selectors: Mapping[Hashable, int] = { str(axis): axis_val for axis, axis_val in selectors.items()} sliced = data_array.sel(formatted_selectors) # pass worker_callable a view into the backing array, which will be overwritten return worker_callable(sliced, *args, **kwargs) # type: ignore @property def tile_metadata(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """return a table containing Tile metadata Returns ------- pd.DataFrame : dataframe containing per-tile metadata information for each image. Guaranteed to include information on channel, imaging round, z plane, and barcode index. Also contains any information stored in the extras field for each tile. """ data: collections.defaultdict = collections.defaultdict(list) extras_keys: Set[str] = set() if self._tile_data is not None: tilekeys = self._tile_data.keys() extras_keys = set( key for tilekey in tilekeys for key in self._tile_data[tilekey].keys()) index_keys = set( key.value for key in AXES_DATA.keys() ) duplicate_keys = index_keys.intersection(extras_keys) if len(duplicate_keys) > 0: duplicate_keys_str = ", ".join([str(key) for key in duplicate_keys]) raise ValueError( f"keys ({duplicate_keys_str}) was found in both the Tile specification and extras " f"field. Tile specification keys may not be duplicated in the extras field.") for selector in self._iter_axes({Axes.ROUND, Axes.CH, Axes.ZPLANE}): tilekey = TileKey( round=selector[Axes.ROUND], ch=selector[Axes.CH], zplane=selector[Axes.ZPLANE]) extras = self._tile_data[tilekey] if self._tile_data else {} for index, index_value in selector.items(): data[index.value].append(index_value) for k in extras_keys: data[k].append(extras.get(k, None)) if 'barcode_index' not in extras: barcode_index = ((((selector[Axes.ZPLANE] * self.num_rounds) + selector[Axes.ROUND]) * self.num_chs) + selector[Axes.CH]) data['barcode_index'].append(barcode_index) return pd.DataFrame(data) @property def log(self) -> Log: """ Returns a list of pipeline components that have been applied to this imagestack as well as their corresponding runtime parameters. For more information about provenance logging see `Provenance Logging <>`_ Returns ------- List[dict] """ return self._log @property def raw_shape(self) -> Tuple[int, int, int, int, int]: """ Returns the shape of the 5-d image tensor stored as self.image Returns ------- Tuple[int, int, int, int, int] : The size of the image tensor """ return self._data.shape # type: ignore @property def shape(self) -> collections.OrderedDict: """ Returns the shape of the space that this image inhabits. It does not include the dimensions of the image itself. For instance, if this is an X-Y image in a C-H-Y-X space, then the shape would include the axes C and H. Returns ------- An ordered mapping between index names to the size of the index. """ # TODO: (ttung) Note that the return type should be ..OrderedDict[Any, str], but python3.6 # has a bug where this # breaks horribly. Can't find a bug id to link to, but see #\ # mypy-type-annotation result: collections.OrderedDict[Any, Any] = collections.OrderedDict() for name, data in AXES_DATA.items(): result[name] = self._data.shape[data.order] result['y'] = self._data.shape[-2] result['x'] = self._data.shape[-1] return result @property def num_rounds(self): """Return the number of rounds in the ImageStack""" return self.xarray.sizes[Axes.ROUND] @property def num_chs(self): """Return the number of channels in the ImageStack""" return self.xarray.sizes[Axes.CH] @property def num_zplanes(self): """Return the number of z_planes in the ImageStack""" return self.xarray.sizes[Axes.ZPLANE]
[docs] def axis_labels(self, axis: Axes) -> Sequence[int]: """Given an axis, return the sorted unique values for that axis in this ImageStack. For instance, ``imagestack.axis_labels(Axes.ROUND)`` returns all the round ids in this imagestack.""" return [int(val) for val in self._data.coords[axis.value].values]
@property def tile_shape(self): """Return the shape of each tile in the ImageStack. All Tiles have the same shape.""" return self.xarray.sizes[Axes.Y], self.xarray.sizes[Axes.X]
[docs] def to_multipage_tiff(self, filepath: str) -> None: """save the ImageStack as a FIJI-compatible multi-page TIFF file Parameters ---------- filepath : str filepath for a tiff FILE. "TIFF" suffix will be added if the provided path does not end with .TIFF """ if not filepath.upper().endswith(".TIFF"): filepath += ".TIFF" # RZCYX is the order expected by FIJI data = self.xarray.transpose( Axes.ROUND.value, Axes.ZPLANE.value, Axes.CH.value, Axes.Y.value, Axes.X.value) # Any float32 image with low dynamic range will provoke a warning that the image is # low contrast because the data must be converted to uint16 for compatibility with FIJI. with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", UserWarning), data.values, imagej=True)
[docs] def export(self, filepath: str, tile_opener: Optional[Callable[[PurePath, Tile, str], BinaryIO]] = None, tile_format: ImageFormat=ImageFormat.NUMPY) -> None: """write the image tensor to disk in spaceTx format Parameters ---------- filepath : str Path + prefix for the images and primary_images.json written by this function tile_opener : Optional[Callable[[PurePath, Tile, str], BinaryIO]] A callable responsible for opening the file that a tile's data is to be written to. The callable should accept three arguments -- the path of the tileset, the tile data, and the expected file extension. If this is not specified, a reasonable default is provided. tile_format : ImageFormat Format in which each 2D plane should be written. """ # Add log data to extras tileset_extras = self._tile_data.extras if self._tile_data else {} tileset_extras[STARFISH_EXTRAS_KEY] = self.log.encode() tileset = TileSet( dimensions={ Axes.ROUND, Axes.CH, Axes.ZPLANE, Axes.Y, Axes.X, }, shape={ Axes.ROUND: self.num_rounds, Axes.CH: self.num_chs, Axes.ZPLANE: self.num_zplanes, }, default_tile_shape={Axes.Y: self.tile_shape[0], Axes.X: self.tile_shape[1]}, extras=tileset_extras, ) for selector in self._iter_axes({Axes.ROUND, Axes.CH, Axes.ZPLANE}): tilekey = TileKey( round=selector[Axes.ROUND], ch=selector[Axes.CH], zplane=selector[Axes.ZPLANE]) extras: dict = self._tile_data[tilekey] if self._tile_data else {} coordinates: MutableMapping[Coordinates, Union[Tuple[Number, Number], Number]] = dict() x_coordinates = (float(self.xarray[Coordinates.X.value][0]), float(self.xarray[Coordinates.X.value][-1])) y_coordinates = (float(self.xarray[Coordinates.Y.value][0]), float(self.xarray[Coordinates.Y.value][-1])) coordinates[Coordinates.X] = x_coordinates coordinates[Coordinates.Y] = y_coordinates if Coordinates.Z in self.xarray.coords: # set the z coord to the calculated value from the associated z plane z_coordinates = float(self.xarray[Coordinates.Z.value][selector[Axes.ZPLANE]]) coordinates[Coordinates.Z] = z_coordinates tile = Tile( coordinates=coordinates, indices=selector, extras=extras, ) tile.numpy_array, _ = self.get_slice(selector) tileset.add_tile(tile) if tile_opener is None: def tile_opener(tileset_path: PurePath, tile: Tile, ext: str): base = tileset_path.parent / tileset_path.stem if Axes.ZPLANE in tile.indices: zval = tile.indices[Axes.ZPLANE] zstr = "-Z{}".format(zval) else: zstr = "" return open( "{}-H{}-C{}{}.{}".format( str(base), tile.indices[Axes.ROUND], tile.indices[Axes.CH], zstr, ext, ), "wb") if not filepath.endswith('.json'): filepath += '.json' Writer.write_to_path( tileset, filepath, pretty=True, tile_opener=tile_opener, tile_format=tile_format)
[docs] def max_proj(self, *dims: Axes) -> "ImageStack": """ This method is deprecated. Please ``ImageStack.reduce(axes, func="max")`` to do max projection operations. """ raise DeprecatedAPIError( """Please ImageStack.reduce(axes, func="max") to do max projection operations.""")
def _squeezed_numpy(self, *dims: Axes): """return this ImageStack's data as a squeezed numpy array""" return self.xarray.squeeze(tuple(dim.value for dim in dims)).values
[docs] def reduce( self, dims: Iterable[Union[Axes, str]], func: Union[str, FunctionSourceBundle], module: Optional[FunctionSource] = None, level_method: Levels = Levels.CLIP, *args, **kwargs) -> "ImageStack": """ Reduces the dimensionality of the ImageStack and returns a new ImageStack with the result. This is a shortcut for :py:class:`starfish.image.Filter.Reduce`. See Also -------- starfish.image.Filter.Reduce """ from starfish.core.image import Filter reducer = Filter.Reduce(dims, func, module, level_method=level_method, **kwargs) return, *args)
[docs] def map( self, func: Union[str, FunctionSourceBundle], module: Optional[FunctionSource] = None, in_place: bool = False, group_by: Optional[Set[Union[Axes, str]]] = None, level_method: Levels = Levels.CLIP, *args, **kwargs) -> Optional["ImageStack"]: """ Maps the contents of the ImageStack to produce another image. This can be done in-place or can produce a new ImageStack. This is a shortcut for :py:class:`starfish.image.Filter.Map`. See Also -------- starfish.image.Filter.Map """ from starfish.core.image import Filter mapper = Filter.Map( func, *args, module=module, in_place=in_place, group_by=group_by, level_method=level_method, **kwargs) return, *args)